Saturday, March 31, 2012

Midshipmen Arrive to the Isle of Youth (+ photos) | Radio Caribe

Nueva Gerona, March 27. ? With a hundred of officers and midshipmen from the Naval Academy Granma, arrived from Havana this Monday at the port of Nueva Gerona, in the Isle of Youth, the training ship ?Carlos Manuel de C?spedes?, along with ?Tuxco? and ?XIV Festival? ships.

In the harbor they were received by authorities of the territory, and a representation of the Jos? Mart? Elementary Students? Organization (OPJM by its Spanish acronym) who carried out a greeting cultural activity.

In a welcome message, the primary student Osvaldo Pupo said he was convinced the midshipmen will know to defend our land from this same sea they are sailing in a training trip of several weeks.

The circumnavigation of Cuba is dedicated to 50th anniversary of the founding of the Young Communists? League (UJC by its Spanish acronym); it aims the midshipmen to exercise the skills learned in class as well as to develop abilities previous to their graduation as officers of the Cuban Revolutionary Navy (MGR by its Spanish acronym).

Nueva Gerona?s port is the second one where the ships stop over, the next ones will be Cienfuegos?, in the center of the country, Santiago de Cuba?s, Holgu?n?s and Matanzas?, a second phase to perform what the students have learned in navy school about navigation, exploitation of technical means, energy installations and radars and communications systems, among other issues.

These young people will receive certifications on Naval Science, Communications, Radio Electronics and Mechanical Engineering.

The midshipmen toured historical sites of the Isle of Youth, and had a meeting with young men of the Military Sector of the Special Municipality.


By Jorge Chales Urquiza

Translated by Kerlitza Rodr?guez D?az



























Tags: Cuban Revolutionary Navy, Isle of Youth, midshipmen


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?????? ??????? ????????: Mobile Communications

It?s a war movie clich? that has been repeated in film after film for decades: A group of soldiers is pinned down by enemy gunfire and the radio operator calls in air support, providing coordinates over the radio for aircraft to fly over and take out.

That?s a scenario that once might have been the only means of getting air support, but a host of the latest digital mobile communication equipment allows today?s warfighter to send everything from coordinate-embedded video of a threat to precise position information derived from an enemy?s own communications in near real time.

This can easily be accomplished with the touch of a button from vehicle-mounted terminals, tablet computers and even smartphones that take advantage of latest-generation higher bandwidth, secure military wireless systems. While wireless communication system integration with legacy radio and satellite systems remains a significant issue as the U.S. military attempts to solve equipment interoperability problems on the battlefield, such technology is becoming an increasingly critical part of the sharing intelligence in theater, providing special operations ground units and air support teams a once unthinkable strategic advantage in situational awareness and targeting for the sort of counterinsurgency, high-value target and other operations that dominate contemporary asymmetric warfare.

Logen Thiran, president of the Intelligence, Communications and Avionics Solutions division of Parsippany, N.J.-based DRS Technologies Inc., told Special Operations Technology that there is an unavoidable correlation between communications equipment and intelligence that is all aimed at one goal: ensuring threats are targeted and eliminated with a growing level of assuredness and sophistication.

?What [the warfighters] are looking for is verification before they take action,? said Thiran. ?Communications and intel are an integral part of one another in terms of solving this problem.?

Small Radio, Big Power

AR Modular RF?s AR50 tactical amplifier is one of the smallest and most versatile VHF/UHF amplifiers on the market, offering high power 50W output for both line-of-sight (LOS) and UHF SATCOM communications, with switchable low noise amplifier in a package that can be used in both 24 volt military and 12 volt civilian vehicles or run from a battery.

The unit is designed to be used with handheld radios like the PRC-152 or MBITR PRC 148, as well as traditional ?backpack? radios like the PSC5-D or PRC-117F/G. The 20 Watt KMW1031 provides a simple (no operator controls) backpackable unit to extend the range of communications for operators with low power handheld radios once they leave their vehicles, or to give improved penetration within dense urban environments where LOS communication ranges often fall down to just a few blocks with a normal handheld radio.

It comes with a built-in power supply that can deal with both military and civilian vehicle supplies or run off one battery.

L-3 Interstate Electronics Corp., a San Diego and Anaheim, Calif.- based division of L-3 Communications, is a provider of full motion video RSTA (reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition) and ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) systems for the U.S. military. Its latest offering is the VideoScout system, a softwarebased proprietary system designed to retrieve, disseminate and archive full motion video or infrared sensor data.

Currently used by the Marine Corps in theater, the company recently expanded the mounted and unmounted systems to run on Android smartphones. The family of products includes a network system, laptop and tablet versions. While each provides for robust use, the richness of features does decline the smaller and more portable the unit. Nevertheless, the system not only disseminates video and other sensor information with two-way transmission between the field users and command center, it also can send still images and audio clips along with user notations. It also includes metadata and GPS-based geolocation mapping over moving images that can be used to support targeting and close air support for teams on the ground, including by UAVs while supporting Department of Defense collection tools like the Tactical Ground Reporting System (TIGR) database.

Nicholas Ortyl, vice president and general manager of L-3 IEC?s San Diego-based situational awareness business unit, told SOTECH that the interoperable system is in use on the ground in Afghanistan and adaptable across wireless communication platforms from Wi-Fi and mesh networks to military satellite and commercial cellular data systems, adapting to the bandwidth specifics of each that is secured with AES software encryption.

?There is technology built into all the platforms and all the software so it will appropriately throttle and compress the data so you don?t have any [streaming] issues,? said Ortyl. ?If you said ?What happens when you put 40 users on the system?? we have algorithms and other technologies to manage all that so you don?t get into this situation where you overload the system.?

In terms of the future applications, Ortyl noted that the firm is exploring capabilities for submarines and adopting it with the help of integrators for incorporation into MRAPs or other ground vehicle retrofit efforts, potentially by combining it with other systems into a single video platform. He added that special forces community interest is particular high, such as for mounting on ATVs and other vehicles.

With close to 2,000 in use on the ground in Afghanistan, Ortyl noted that VideoScout had its genesis with special forces and the intelligence community a few years ago.

?We are getting a very nice pull in that direction because our roots are from the SOCOM world for the man-portable systems,? he said. ?It really came out of the intel community. That effort to make it manportable was driven by special forces. They want to be able to push all this information to the tip of spear. That initiative leads us to make a family of portables into a tremendous force multiplier.?

Among the competitors in this sphere, DRS Technologies produces a wealth of communications solutions for the U.S. warfighter, but Thiran pointed to several of its products?specifically in special operations use?including their MAGIC situational awareness systems and manpack COMINT direction finding system tactical signal collection system.

MAGIC (Mobile Mapping of Air and Ground Intelligence Communications) is currently used by special operations in mounted and dismounted avionics configurations in theater. They also provide man-portable versions for use with Windows-based tablets and smartphones.

The scalable, open architecture system provides near real-time geo-located intelligence data on a moving 3-D map display designed for integration with virtually any subsystem including intelligence broadcast receiver, situational awareness data link, MIDS/Link-16, PRC-117F/G, full motion video links, and electronic flight bag data sets. The firm also offers various data storage solutions to combine with a mounted unit and is looking to miniaturize the system further.

?Ultimately it [provides] network interconnectivity of airborne and ground bases, line of sight, non-line-of-sight [wireless communications], all tied together, meeting all those needs in an overarching network,? said Thiran.

DRS?s Manpack system allows a mounted or dismounted solider to collect tactical signal intelligence and geo-location information and share it across a network in theater with the intent of providing a line of bearing on a target to ensure a more rapid threat response.

?Narrowing the kill chain: at the end of the day that is what we are trying to do,? noted Thiran.

Verizon Wireless currently offers a number of component platforms for military use, including the DRS-supplied X10gx and Armor X7 rugged wireless tablets that connect through 3G cellular networks. Laura Cavey, associate director of federal data sales for Verizon Wireless, also pointed to their relationships with several software providers as integral to their effort to provide cellular- based software communications applications for the modern warfighter.

These include Lisle, Ill.-based Lextech Labs for situational awareness video solutions and Tampa, Fla.-based IP Vision Software?s video management solutions. Verizon is also heavily promoting its partnership with Salem, Mass.-based Blueforce Development Corp., which provides the Blueforce Tactical (BTAC) secure information sharing and sensor normalization software for smartphones and PDAs.

Tested and evaluated by Special Operations Command, the BTAC software solution is designed to provide monitoring of real-time soldier biometric sensor information along with video and other information from sensors worn by the soldier, along with location tracking. That test also incorporated perimeter video as well as gas and chemical explosive sensor monitoring.

?They [SOCOM] really want to be able to take care, monitor and understand what is going on with the warfigther in the middle of a mission,? said Cavey.

Cutting Edge

For systems intelligence gathering and dissemination systems to work in theater, they must have access to wireless communications networks. It?s an integral competency in the technology chain on which military suppliers continue to make strides.

Fort Wayne, Ind.-based Raytheon Network Centric Systems is currently in the process of upgrading the company?s SMART-T (secure mobile anti-jam reliable tactical terminal) satellite communications systems for the Army from EHF (extremely high frequency) transmission capability to advanced extremely high frequency (AEHF) capability, increasing the data transmission rate by a factor of five and providing for real-time video, mapping and targeting information transmission. The system provides long-haul communications that can connect multiple secure nodes for robust multi-channel non-line-of-sight communications in the field.

The Army just fielded the first of 365 of the updated HMMWV-mounted, generator-powered system to tactical units.

?[SMART-T] really has been a really great program,? Scott Whatmough, vice president of Raytheon Network Centric Systems? Integrated Communications Systems, told SOTECH. ?We?re just waiting to get some satellites up there so we can provide [further] extended bandwidth for folks in the field.? While it is one of Raytheon?s flagship communications programs, given its four-foot antenna, he admitted that a SMART-T is hard to hide, making it ill-suited for special operations use. But Whatmough said the company is looking at reducing the size of the terminal and antennas while investing in next generation modem capabilities.

?I believe that if we can get our collective ducks in a row, we can provide some [special operationscentric] tactical AEHF terminals,? he said. ?It?s going to take a few years but I think special operations will be interested.?

Whatmough also pointed to the company?s MAINGATE (Mobile Ad hoc Interoperability Network GATEway) system as something viewed as a major advance in terms of joint and coalition interoperational radio communications systems for mounted vehicles. Developed with DRS as a partner and under DARPA contract, it can link cell phones, other manufacturers? radio systems, and even incredibly slow analog legacy battlefield radios to provide combined signal throughput, utilizing airborne relay, SATCOM and other infrastructure interfaces for over-the-horizon communications.

Billed as the next generation of the DARPA Network Centric Radio System, the automatic spectrum management mobile solution has a data throughput capability of 10 MB per second, allowing for around 20 simultaneous live video feeds if deployed at full capacity, according to Whatmough. Though not in current operational use, there are 30 systems currently in theater.

Whatmough said Raytheon is working with the military?s spectrum management operations to get the Joint Tactical Radio System compliant with the aim of getting it into the battlespace, adding that Boeing?s Ground Mobile Radio (GMR) for the Army is ?once again under scrutiny.? That program has been plagued with cost overruns after the Army reduced its order from 86,209 to 10,293, boosting unit costs by 50 percent with, according to a Government Accountability Office report, research and development spending increasing by 69 percent from 2002 to 2011.

?[GMR] seems to have nine lives,? said Whatmough. ?It does seem that GMR performance is going to open up that space for alternative solutions and we want to be one of those alternative solutions.? Raytheon is pushing intelligence to the tactical edge. The company has developed new capabilities to put critical, protected information directly in the hands of forward deployed units to enhance mission effectiveness.

Raytheon?s Tactical Hand-Off Using Nearest Database Resource (THUNDR) runs on a standard laptop and allows greater mobility for intelligence collection and dissemination by special operations units and echelons at battalion and below. It provides warfighters ready access to intelligence data, maps, images and video with updated information in near real time.

?THUNDR has a modular and scalable deployment footprint and provides connectivity to a service?s cloud computing environment while having the capacity to function in a stand-alone environment when bandwidth or communications are restricted,? stated Mark Bigham, vice president of business development, DCMS, for Raytheon?s Intelligence and Information Systems business.

?We?ve also developed the Raytheon Advanced Tactical System (RATS), a wireless mobile platform for users in communications-disadvantaged locations to connect to local available networks, providing interactive communications and collaboration.?

According to Bigham, RATS can be rapidly integrated with new data types, communications systems and databases, providing a unique, secure and tailorable interface along with a software development toolkit for creation of new and customized secure apps. ?RATS software allows common mobile devices to be used on the battlefield where ruggedness, battery life and screen visibility are all addressable through various hardware vendors.?

Thiran pointed to the DRS satellite communications on-the-move antenna line that provides continuous K and Ku-Band in-motion satellite communications through a mounted dish platform in multiple configurations, for both ground and sea vehicles, as a key offering in special operations use.

He noted that they are considering expanding the system by lowering the size and footprint to allow for wider airborne use, and making it less physically prominent on ground vehicles. Additionally, they?ve tested the system on X and Ka bands and are hoping to get it certified for use on Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS), which utilizes these spectrum ranges.

?It is a key capability that is needed today and is not widely available in the marketplace,? said Tiran. ?That?s a key driver for us going forward.?

Boeing was awarded an additional $439 million Air Force contract in September for the components for an eighth WGS satellite. This continues the expansion of the fleet of fielded and proposed WGS satellites, three of which are already in orbit over the Pacific, Middle East and Atlantic regions. A fourth is scheduled for launch in January with two more, including one Australian-financed, expected to launch by 2013 and a seventh expected in 2015. All existing delivery options, part of the overall $1.1 billion contract awarded to Boeing, would bring the fleet of military WGS communications satellites to 12.

Satellite, deployable Wi-Fi and other wireless military communication systems are not the only means for special operations soldiers to both deliver and get access to intelligence information in theater with the level of bandwidth required by the latest technological intelligence gathering and dissemination tools. While cellular networks dominate in some parts of the world more than land lines, particularly in many of the less developed regions where special operations soldiers must now operate, cellular solutions are viewed by some as an increasingly viable battlefield communications solution.

Verizon Wireless?s Cavey told SOTECH that their greatest offering for military communications is its low-latency, high-speed 4G LTE network. While currently only deployed domestically, she predicted LTE will probably become the next global cellular standard with its international partner Vodaphone, China Mobile and other global carriers adopting the high speed standard.

?Without that high speed data access, video becomes more difficult to do on networks that can?t support it,? said Cavey.

?The biggest limitation now is that it is only deployed in the United States,? she acknowledged. ?However, that is not permanent. It is just where we are today. Verizon Wireless is on the cusp. We are on the cutting edge of deploying the technology first.? A Navy pilot project testing their MPLS and mobile VPN solutions is currently underway. But while there is interest within DoD in new methods and technologies to secure communications data, that interest varies across the branches and even within them.

For instance, Cavey noted that SOCOM is more open to exploring new network security solutions when compared to Big Army and Big Navy, which are generally interested in sticking to tried and true data security concepts and communications technologies. Nevertheless, she added that the Naval War College in Newport, R.I., maintains a separate network used strictly for testing new products and solutions.

?It really depends on the customer which way we go,? Cavey said, about promoting conceptual tests and new means of securing data for the military end-user. ?Some customers are open to looking at new ways of doing things. Others want to stick with the old handbook. If this pilot does work, that would be a way of rewriting the handbook, so to speak,? she added. Cavey also added that while many in the U.S. military are interested in secure, packaged communications solutions, SOCOM appears mostly interested in custom wireless communications products and is open to exploring cutting edge solutions that companies can provide. ?They don?t want off-the-shelf solutions anymore, but something custom,? said Cavey.


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Friday, March 30, 2012

"Health insurance whistleblower" speaks in LV | News - Home


It was Dante who wrote that ?the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises remain neutral.?

While many things can be said about Wendell Potter, remaining neutral about mandatory health care insurance for all Americans is not one.

Unlike hundreds of millions of Americans who have formed an opinion on the controversial Affordable Health Care Act now before the United State Supreme Court, almost none can offer the perspective Potter does.

?You all heard about how the health insurance law will lead to a government takeover of the health insurance industry,? he told a crowd assembled Thursday night at the United Church of Christ in South Whitehall. ?It?s a lie. How do I know? Because I?m the one who came up with it.?

As the former head of corporate communications for health-insurance giant Cigna, Potter said he was paid handsomely to manipulate the public and press in a massive campaign to defraud mandatory health insurance coverage for all Americans for the simplest of all reasons.

?Profits,? he said.

Death panels, Medicare cuts, declining employment and socialized medicine ? you can thank Potter for it.

?It was me and people like me who concocted these stories to manipulate you,? he said.

The paychecks Potter takes home these days are a lot less than the ones at Cigna, but then again, the company could afford to pay him well.

?During 2008 Cigna recorded a 346 percent profit,? he said with a serene candor Thursday night that left some in the audience gasping.

He attributed those profits not to business acumen, but rather an unrelenting desire to make their bottom line attractive to Wall Street investors at the expense of Americans' health.

Potter became a whistle-blower against the health-insurance industry gradually, although his moment of decision, as he called it, came over two incidents, including the 2007 case of 17-year-old Natlie Sarkisyan, who died shortly after Cigna initially denied her coverage for a liver transplant as a result of cancer.

?It got to the point where I was utterly disgusted with myself,? he said.

But his presentation Thursday night was not so much about the past or even any personal experiences as it was a plea for the crowd to understand ?the importance of protecting the new health care law, Medicare and Medicaid.?

The laws, he said during his roughly 45-minute speech, hold health insurance companies accountable, make health care more affordable, stabilize the nation?s economy and will not increase the nation?s deficit.

?The insurance industry and their cronies will do whatever it can to maintain their massive profits,? he said during speech to discredit any meaningful reform, including the corruption of members of Congress and even the nation?s highest court.


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Using Creativity to Stand Out in Your Career |

Standing out in a crowded marketplace isn?t always easy. And these days, people have seen it all, which means you might only get ahead if you use a compelling and unique approach like Pat Lencioni?s to present your ideas.

Several years ago, Mr. Lencioni, 44 years old, of Lafayette, Calif., was a Bain & Co. consultant who loved writing screenplays and fiction pieces on the side. He didn?t move to Hollywood or New York City to pursue his passion.

Instead, Mr. Lencioni stayed where he was?in the business world?and used his talent to break out of the typical management-consultant mold. He began writing business books that read like novels and featured real characters to which textbook- and theory-fatigued readers could relate. In ?The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,? for example, the fictional DecisionTech?s new CEO, Kathryn, must unite a fractured executive team.

Many say Mr. Lencioni?s parables have sold over 2.5 million copies because they attract people who need to be better managers but don?t want to read a traditional business book to do it. ?The plot-driven approach makes people want to read to the end,? says Mr. Lencioni. ?Readers are also more comfortable passing the books on to friends because they personally enjoyed them and were able to learn without a lot of effort.?

So, how do you infuse your day with creativity if it?s not your natural strong suit?

First, block out some time on your calendar to think about it. When you set aside time to do something, you elevate its importance in your mind.

Practice clearing your head of all of your everyday concerns, turn on some music, and let your mind wander. If you?re having trouble letting go, ask one of your artistic friends what she does to get in the right frame of mind and try adapting that technique to make it your own.

It also helps to look at your life and business from a different perspective. In providing career advice during this recession, for instance, I often pretended I was the person I needed to reach?a reader who was out of work. I asked myself, ?What information do I need right now, and how would I best like to receive it??

If your daily reading consists of one paper or online publication and Google news, you might try expanding your horizons.

In particular, today?s literary fiction and narrative nonfiction books are often worded so eloquently that they can?t help but inspire you to express yourself in a more creative way.

If you read before going to sleep, be sure to keep a pen and a notebook by your bed to jot down ideas that come to you in the middle of the night.

You might also want to start carrying a pad and pencil with you when you commute or travel. Inevitably you?ll overhear or see something that provokes an interesting train of thought.

Mr. Lencioni suggests forcing yourself into an uncomfortable situation to get your mind going?like doing manual labor if you?re a high-ranking executive, for example.

Sometimes just getting out of your comfort zone can spark creative ideas. ?And finally,? he says, ?you have to be willing to throw stupid ideas out [there], or ideas that no one believes in but you.?

Recognize that creativity doesn?t understand deadlines. Because you can?t depend on a terrific idea to show up at a certain point, you might try to build in long timelines for projects that require creative zeal and try not to put a lot of pressure on yourself.

?My best insights don?t usually show up when I?m sitting at my computer waiting for them,? says Mr. Lencioni. ?I?ll usually be jogging or in the shower, or out in the public where my creative mind is stimulated by watching others.?

Once you?ve begun to think more creatively, look for ways to apply this change at work, from suggesting new projects to discussing projects in a new way.

? Alexandra Levit is a business and workplace author and speaker.

Write to Alexandra Levit at


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Functions of online accounting services

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Judges seek warrant for African ruler's 'playboy' son

By Reuters

PARIS -- Two French judges sought an international arrest warrant for the son of Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema on money laundering charges, a judicial source said on Tuesday.

The two judges, Roger Le Loire and Rene Grouman, consider there are grounds to suspect that Teodorin Obiang, who is agriculture minister in the small, oil-rich central African country, acquired real estate in France by fraudulent means.

The warrant will not be released until a prosecutor has reviewed the request and decides whether to proceed.

Extravagant lifestyle
Teodorin is frequently seen enjoying an extravagant lifestyle abroad with multi-million dollar mansions, jets and yachts. Billboards in the capital Malabo seek to show him at work and in touch with the people, but diplomats and analysts cite his playboy lifestyle as a cause for concern.

The French judges, who have been handling the case since 2010 on the basis of "concealment of embezzled public funds," suspect that the properties were purchased with public money from Equatorial Guinea.

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The judges had previously sought permission from the government of Equatorial Guinea to question Teodorin, but that request was rejected, Olivier Pardo, lawyer for the oil-producing nation, told Reuters in Paris.

"Unless one wishes to violate the sovereignty of the State of Equatorial Guinea and harm relations between France and Equatorial Guinea, it is absurd to want to launch an arrest warrant," he said.

Paris raid
As part of the investigation, French police raided a building belonging to Equatorial Guinea in a wealthy area of Paris in February. After three days they removed art works and fine wines worth several million euros.

The building was valued at about 150 million euros ($200 million)?and investigators say it housed a nightclub and hairdressers, which suggested it was not being used as a diplomatic residence.

Anti-corruption organization Transparency International had filed the original legal complaint against Teodorin Obiang.

On March 1, Teodorin filed for defamation against Daniel Lebegue, the president of the French arm of Transparency, denying he had embezzled funds.

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President Teodoro Obiang has ruled the former Spanish colony for more than three decades, making him the longest-serving African leader following the demise of Libya's Moammar Gadhafi, with rights groups labelling his regime one of the world's most corrupt.

The country produces about 240,000 barrels of oil per day.

'Character assassination'
In January, Teodorin asked a U.S. court to dismiss attempts by the Obama administration to seize some $71 million worth of his assets, denying charges that they were obtained with allegedly corrupt funds taken from his country.

He argued he had not violated U.S. or Equatorial Guinea law and called the corruption allegations "character assassination" against him and his country.

Equatorial Guinea in October said it wanted to appoint Teodorin as its deputy permanent delegate at U.N. cultural agency UNESCO in Paris, a position that would give him diplomatic status in France. Until now the agency has not received any official documentation to proceed further with that request.

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Clayton Osbon, JetBlue Pilot, Restrained By Passengers After In-Flight Meltdown

Clayton Osbon, a JetBlue pilot, had to be restrained Tuesday after suffering a panic attack on board a flight from New York's JFK airport to Las Vegas.

The FAA called the incident a medical emergency.

The unruly captain was subdued by at least five passengers after his co-pilot locked him out of the cockpit after displayed potentially dangerous behavior.

The flight was diverted to Amarillo, Texas.

Osbon, a commercial pilot since 1989, was not at the controls but "began acting erratically, flipping switches in the cockpit and appearing confused."

Sources say that his co-pilot tricked him into going to the passenger area to check something, then locked the door and changed the security code.

"The captain of the plane just went berserk," passenger Wayne Honlnes said.

"He came out of the other end of the plane … came running back to the cockpit and he was shouting out numbers … 500 something. He started banging on the cockpit door."

While Osbon was in the cabin, an off-duty JetBlue pilot traveling on the flight managed to enter the cockpit and help land the plane in Texas.

JetBlue said in a statement:

"Another captain, traveling off duty, entered the flight deck prior to landing at Amarillo, and took over the duties of the ill crewmember once on the ground."

"The aircraft arrived Amarillo at 10:11 am CT, and the crewmember was removed from the aircraft and taken to a local medical facility."

Passenger David Gonzalez, a former corrections officer from New York City, said he was sitting in the second row of flight 191 when he saw the captain storm out of the cockpit and rush toward an occupied bathroom.

Flight attendants struggled to control him and Gonzalez, 50, said the captain began moving in the direction of the plane's emergency exit.

Gonzalez said he had gone to help the flight attendant and asked the captain what his problem was. Gonzalez said the pilot replied, "You'd better start praying right now," and was shouting about Al Qaeda, a bomb, and the plane crashing.

"I was actually the one that took him down. I noticed he was very erratic," Gonzalez said. "He was pinned against the door. I was afraid he was going to knock down the door. I was able to put a choke hold on him."

"I was able to get him weak from cutting his wind pipe."

"When he buckled, I realized I had him where I need him. So I put a little more pressure, and that's when he almost passed out. So I threw him to the floor."

"That's when the team came in and started helping me … I just didn't want him opening up that door. I knew if he got in there, we wouldn't be sitting here now."

Gonzalez felt the man get weak and he passed out about three minutes later. The men, who took off their belts to tie his legs, as Osbon was reportedly able to break through plastic handcuffs, sat on the pilot until landing.


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Personal Trainers Earnings ? Need A Higher Income

This article has been viewed 18 times.

What about boosting your personal trainer income? Most physical fitness pros are eager to achieve this. In this post Im about to expose a key method that will assist you to achieve this.

The principle issue that separates productive health and fitness experts from unsuccessful ones is their want to go the additional mile. As a result, the large secret to boosting your personal trainer salary is simply to go the extra mile, or do items that other trainers are not prepared to do. It really is that straightforward!

So what exactly does going the extra mile really suggest? Examine it as putting in that extra effort around the little things that will ultimately adds up to massive private training enterprise good results.

In order to aid explain likely the extra mile right here are a couple of examples which can aid illustrate the concept. Following reading them you are going to realize exactly what I am referring to.

Health and fitness pros that take pleasure in a large individual trainer earnings just concentrate a lot more on continuing education. They invest in individual coach programs to boost their competency, along with qualifications.

Effective pros are using the time to brush up on health and fitness company expertise as a way to enhance their physical fitness trainer revenue. When most turn out to be a personal coach they truly feel their job is finished. It is a mistake! The understanding by no means stops. Persevering with training is definitely an illustration of going the extra mile each and every, and every day.

Yet another example is preparing. How many experts make investments some time each year to plan their own custom made fitness marketing plan? Using some time to program, and carry out that plan is going the additional mile. With any luck ,, you are doing so to raise your personal trainer wage.

An additional illustration is with organizing for fulfillment. The common physical fitness skilled doesnt have a marketing and advertising plan. Alternatively, productive pros have properly assumed out programs they put into motion, day following day.

Usually focus on separating oneself from the common Joe, or Jane trainers. Youll be able to do so by getting one of many very best private coach certifications. This will set you aside from the herd. Experts who possess the very best fitness coach certifications have all absent the extra mile to do well.

The most effective issue you can do to raise your own trainer wage would be to go the extra mile. Specialists that do so easily set on their own aside from other people. In doing so, their earnings tends to rise.


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Everyone Personal Finance Planning | Personal Finance Tips

Everybody should handle his or her personal finance with planning, it will be very helpful from a single person to a family. Most people receive a payment weekly or bi-weekly from a job or business and then pay their bills every month. There are many types of expenses such as food, gas, cars, rental, mortgage payment, utilities, entertainment, medical, insurances, clothing, phone, internet, credit cards, and others. People will need to pay attention to the incomes and expenses to try to keep their total of the expenses below their incomes, or their income actually covering the expenses. You should review the personal finance at least once a month.

Beginning of every month, plan on how much to spend on items like entertainment, traveling, gas, phone, web, utilities, food and other expenses. It will be helpful to itemize and list it out on a piece of paper or using a spreadsheet with a computer spreadsheet software.

It will be a financial budget for the month and a goal of spending. There are always unexpected expenses need to be accounted for, for example, a new battery is needed for your car or a gift or present for a friend wedding. These types of expenses will need to be added to the budget as a special type of expense.

Budgeting expenses will be very helpful with accounting software that can keep record of every expense and income daily. There are many accounting softwares to choose from an online or walk-in store, you will need to research on what size and abilities the software are before buying. More features will cost more to purchase, but it will be wise to just buy the accounting software which is adequate for the budgeting and personal finance.

There are usually many expense and income and other informative reports to print for all the financial details, every item will show on the report after you entered the expense items in the system.

Reports with monthly income and expense totals and budgeting reports will be available for the budgeting. Fidetips ( has many tips like financial planning for you to read.

There are always adjustments needed for the budgeted expenses, because of unexpected and other reasons. It will be particularly easy to adjust with a computer spreadsheet or accounting software. Revise the monthly budget if necessary will make it more accurate. Review the budget often and adjust it as needs arise, and it will also vary from month to month. Well kept personal financial records will help a person?s finance in better shape and also help to keep the finance improve in the future.


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>a>p>As soon as dog training, you should add play into your training sessions. Lots of directions and objectives might cause the dog to get mixed up and also private tuition disappointed. Buying a pet?s commitment by means of worry can be a mistake within the user?s portion.

a puppy devoid of working out is an excellent quiet pet dog, and it?s really very hard to train your dog inside an energized condition. Socializing your pet is simple and will be incorporated into your own actions. Enjoying his / her face words is going to be valuable as instruction moves along and provide a greater understanding of the dog. Pets require a well appropriate receiver and also lead when to become a master. This specific overall tone tells your new puppy that you just signify business and that they need to observe.

Quite a few entrepreneurs feel that each pet dog can be skilled, he?s qualified forever. While you activate with your pet dog on his or her exercise and diet program, make sure to be aware of their diet program. Continue on trying the very same get and stay sufferer, your puppy are certain to get the item. Puppies discover how to regard those director while in the outdoors also focused, not necessarily assaulted. It is important to restrict the time spent in a dog house , so your pup can smoker problem hang out with you too.

Of course a hungry puppy will likely be improbable to react in addition. Will he / she follow you? Make use of your doggie?s title frequently. Prior to your pet will get tired, conclusion a session.

That just is not legitimate. Puppies enjoy a arduous training style of living, while kept unrestrained they will create negative behaviors which will trips down this cycle. You ought not risk allow your dog pleasures or maybe particular awareness in the course of coaching if they are never executing the task correctly. Really don?t reprimand your own unwell doggy regarding showing you that must be tired; make it. Actual physical consequence may lead to a good not rational and infrequently crazy animal. Learning your furry friend ideas the globe will help you make better coaching choices for your pet.

Whenever going for walks using your doggy, continually move 1st, never make it possible for your pet guide because a management placement. Begin exercising nearly all pet dogs student love after they will be concerning About 6 weeks previous. The puppy ought to be put in this through the night and among times during connections regarding his owner.

Remember to keep river open to your canine when he is being experienced by using a dog house. This will help you to find better treating the animal and also generate a formidable partnership.


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New epilepsy gene located in dogs

ScienceDaily (Mar. 23, 2012) ? A new epilepsy gene for idiopathic epilepsy in Belgian Shepherds has been found in the canine chromosome 37. The research of Professor Hannes Lohi and his group conducted at the University of Helsinki and the Folkh?lsan Research Center opens new avenues for the understanding of the genetic background of the most common canine epilepsies. The research also has an impact on the understanding of common epilepsies in humans.

The research is published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE on March 23, 2012.

Epilepsy affects about 1-5% of the human population at some stage of live, and it includes a host of syndromes the age of onset, causes and prognosis of which vary significantly. Based on their basic mechanisms epilepsy syndromes are divided into genetic (idiopathic) epilepsies, structural / metabolic (symptomatic) epilepsies and epilepsies of unknown cause. Symptomatic causes refer to discernible external or structural change, whereas with idiopathic epilepsy there is a strong genetic background. A common denominator between the different syndromes are reoccurring epileptic seizures, which are divided according to an international classification into two main groups -- focal and generalized seizures -- based on clinical symptoms and research findings. About two thirds of the seizures in adults are focal in nature and one third generalized. In children and teenagers the occurrence of generalized forms of epilepsy is greater (ca. 50%).

Identification of the epilepsy gene on process

Genetic factors are estimated to play a role in the development of epilepsy in as many as 40% of epilepsy patients. Several genes affecting the development of symptomatic epilepsies have already been identified, but the genetic background of multifactorial idiopathic epilepsies often remain unknown. Both focal and generalized idiopathic epilepsies occur in Belgian Shepherds. The research group of Professor Hannes Lohi, working in collaboration with Danish, Swedish and American researchers in an EU-funded project, has made a major breakthrough by identifying a chromosome region associated with the most common form of epilepsy in dogs. By comparing the genome of dogs with epilepsy and healthy control dogs a gene region in chromosome 37 was discovered, which if homozygous, increases the risk of epilepsy seven-fold. In addition the research findings indicate that other, still unknown, genetic risk factors may be present in the breed.

The identified region has excellent neurological candidate genes for epilepsy and ongoing follow-up research is aimed to identify the specific gene causing epilepsy. Epilepsy genes have not previously been identified in this chromosome region, so the discovery will reveal an entirely new epilepsy gene in dogs and possibly also in humans. The type of epilepsy occurring in Belgian Shepherds is extremely common in also other breeds and thus the discovery may have an impact on the understanding of the epilepsies in different dog breeds.

"There are only few genes in the identified region and I believe that the ongoing analyses will help us to discover the specific epilepsy gene," says Professor Hannes Lohi who led the research. "This would give us a better understanding of the disease mechanisms and provide us with new diagnostic tools for the disease."

The Research group of Hannes Lohi has begun an extensive gene-sequencing project in which the entire identified chromosome region will be 'read through' with a next-generation sequencing method. By identifying the specific gene mutation an individual's epilepsy risk could be assessed, although the gene mutation may also be common in dogs that never become symptomatic of epilepsy.

Epilepsy is common among Belgian Shepherds

"The identified genomic region is likely to be the strongest single risk factor for epilepsy in Belgian Shepherds, and we are studying an interesting gene variant causing an amino acid change in the protein level. However, this homozygous amino acid change is also present in one fifth of healthy Belgian Shepherds. The research continues in the breed and aims to identify the specific mutation for genetic testing in this loci and possible in other chromosomes. The need for the gene test is urgent since as much as 20% of the dogs in this breed are estimated to have epilepsy," comments the first author of the article Eija Sepp?l?, PhD.

The age of onset of idiopathic epilepsy in Belgian Shepherds is on average 3 years, although the range varies greatly. A seizure often begins as a focal seizure, and the owner may observe abnormal movement, usually on only one side of the dog's body. At this point the dog often seeks out the owner, drools or vomits. With most Belgian Shepherds the seizure becomes generalized and is accompanied with loss of consciousness and irregular cramping in the limbs. The dog may also urinate or defecate involuntarily.

Earlier gene discoveries of the research group

Epilepsy is the most common disorder of the nervous system in dogs and different types of genetic epilepsies occur in dozens of dog breeds. The research group has previously identified the first epilepsy gene for symptomatic epilepsy, EPM2B, in Miniature Wirehaired Dachshunds, as well as more recently a gene, LGI2, associated with transient idiopathic epilepsy in Lagotto Romagnolos. The group has also participated in the discovery of a gene for symptomatic epilepsy in Tibetan Terriers. Lohi and his research group have built a canine DNA bank in Finland, which currently holds almost 40 000 samples from more than 250 different breeds. The DNA bank has played a major role in the execution of among others the current research to be published in March, 2012.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Helsingin yliopisto (University of Helsinki), via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sepp?l? EH, Koskinen LLE, Gull?v CH, Jokinen P, Karlskov-Mortensen P, Bergamasco L, Baranowska K?rberg I, Cizinauskas S, Oberbauer AM, Berendt M, Fredholm M, Lohi H. Identification of a novel idiopathic epilepsy locus in Belgian Shepherds. PloS ONE, 2012 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033549

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wifi Issue between windows vista and windows 7 and iphones

Resolved question

Wifi Issue between windows vista and windows 7 and iphones - New!

by kyawlwinphyo - 3/23/12 8:20 AM

I'm having this strange problem with wifi router.
The router is linksys. My uncle's laptop is windows vista and mine is windows 7 home. At first, his laptop cannot join the network wirelessly but my laptop and both our phones can connect to the network. Now, he has his laptop repaired (I don't know how) and he can connect to the wireless network. But, the problem is, all of the other devices cannot join to this same network via wifi. In these devices, the network is not found and there is a new network with his computer name.
when I tried to connect to that router by means of network cable, it is working.

Currently, in wifi, it seems like i have to connect to that network using his computer user password which is not convenient at all.

Anybody has the similar experience and solved it??

Suggestions please.....



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Santorum on defensive as race turns to Louisiana

WEST MONROE, La. (AP) ? Facing heightened pressure to revive his presidential bid, Rick Santorum was forced to explain another apparent misstep as he courted Louisiana voters Friday, the eve of a critical contest in a Republican nomination battle that increasingly favors Mitt Romney.

Santorum said he would support the eventual GOP nominee ? if it isn't him ? despite what he insists are similarities between front-runner Romney and President Barack Obama that make them indistinguishable on some issues. He caused an intraparty uproar earlier in the week after suggesting he'd prefer a second term for Obama over a Romney presidency.

"I've said repeatedly and will continue to say, I'll vote for whoever the Republican nominee is and I will work for him," Santorum said as he walked back his original comments less than 24 hours before Louisiana polls were set to open. "Barack Obama is a disaster, but we can't have someone who agrees with him on some of the biggest issues of the day."

The situation underscored Santorum's challenges ahead of a Louisiana contest he's favored to win. Santorum has had success in the South, having won last week's contests in Alabama and Mississippi. Regardless of the outcome Saturday, however, Romney will have collected more delegates than his opponents combined as the race then turns to more favorable territory in the coming weeks.

Santorum's continued missteps are complicating a candidacy already struggling to overcome major financial and organizational deficiencies. Before losing this week's Illinois primary, Santorum hurt himself by declaring that neither the economy nor the nation's unemployment rate was his top concern.

"I think the biggest development of the last 24 hours was Sen. Santorum's remarkable mistake in suggesting that re-electing President Obama was acceptable under any circumstance," Republican contender Newt Gingrich told reporters in Port Fourchon, La. "I just want to make very clear that I could not disagree with him more strongly."

And as his GOP opponents fought amongst themselves, Romney went after Obama on the second anniversary of his landmark health-care law, previewing a key argument in a potential general election matchup.

Standing in front of signs that read, "Repeal & Replace ObamaCare," as he campaigned in Louisiana, Romney called Obama's signature health care law an "an unfolding disaster for the American economy, a budget-busting entitlement and a dramatic new federal intrusion into our lives."

In attacking the law days before Supreme Court arguments over its constitutionality, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination also confronted an issue that has plagued him throughout the GOP primary process. As governor of Massachusetts, Romney signed a health care law that required everyone in the state to carry health insurance or pay a penalty. It's a state version of the national mandate that is the centerpiece of Obama's overhaul ? an idea that conservatives oppose as an example of government overreach.

Romney's steadfast support for the mandate at the state level has fueled continued conservative skepticism about his candidacy. And his attack on Obama's overhaul caught the attention of White House spokesman Jay Carney, who said Friday that the president would "not shy away from the opportunity to debate" the bill, particularly given Romney's background.

"That debate will be engaged in the fall if the Republican nominee feels so strongly about it," Carney said, referring to Romney as "one of the architects of this health care reform." ''As many have noted in both parties, the individual mandate provision of the president's Affordable Care Act bears striking similarities to the individual mandate that was put in place in Massachusetts."

Meanwhile, Obama catapulted the death in Florida of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, already the focus of major national attention, into the presidential campaign.

"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," Obama said.

Santorum was critical of local prosecutors, who declined to arrest the shooter, George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who claimed self-defense and invoked Florida's' "Stand Your Ground" law. The law gives people wide latitude to use deadly force instead of retreating during a fight and explains why Zimmerman has not been arrested.

The failure to prosecute is a "chilling example of the horrible decisions made by people in this process," Santorum said. "Stand your ground is not doing what this man did."

Gingrich also criticized the shooter, whom he described as "a guy who'd found a hobby that's very dangerous."

Romney, like Obama, called the incident "a tragedy," and called for "a thorough investigation that reassures the public that justice is carried out with impartiality and integrity."

While attention to Martin's death overshadowed presidential politics at times Friday, Santorum tried to keep the pressure on Romney ahead of the Louisiana contest. Santorum argued that he is the only Republican candidate who can offer voters a stark contrast with Obama.

After testing his marksmanship with a .45 caliber semiautomatic Colt pistol, he told reporters: "If you don't have a choice, then a lot of voters are going to vote for what they have. That's why we have to have a choice."

Romney heads into Louisiana with a commanding delegate lead in the race to 1,144, the number needed to clinch the GOP nomination.

Romney has earned 563 delegates so far, compared to 263 for Santorum, 135 for Gingrich and 50 for Ron Paul, according to an Associated Press tally.

Louisiana offers a total of 46 delegates, but only 20 will be up for grabs in Saturday's primary. An additional 23 will be selected at the party's state convention in June and three others go to the state's Republican National Committee members.

And while Santorum tried to recover from one misstep, a supporter in the audience added an off-message wrinkle. As he fired the pistol, a woman in the crowd shouted: "Pretend it's Obama."

Santorum was wearing protective ear muffs. He said later that he didn't hear the remark but denounced it as "absurd."

The Secret Service, which provides security for Santorum, was trying to identify the woman.


Associated Press writer Kasie Hunt from Louisiana contributed to this report.


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Griner dunks as Baylor women rout Georgia Tech

Baylor center Brittney Griner hangs on the rim after dunking the ball during the second half of an NCAA women's tournament regional semifinal college basketball game against Georgia Tech, Saturday, March 24, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Baylor center Brittney Griner hangs on the rim after dunking the ball during the second half of an NCAA women's tournament regional semifinal college basketball game against Georgia Tech, Saturday, March 24, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Baylor center Brittney Griner dunks the ball during the second half of an NCAA women's tournament regional semifinal college basketball game against Georgia Tech, Saturday, March 24, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Georgia Tech guard Metra Walthour, right, shoots over Baylor guard Odyssey Sims (0) during the first half of an NCAA women's tournament regional semifinal college basketball game, Saturday, March 24, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Baylor center Brittney Griner blocks a shot by Georgia Tech guard Tyaunna Marshall (15) during the first half of an NCAA women's tournament regional semifinal college basketball game, Saturday, March 24, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Baylor's Brittney Griner shoots over Georgia Tech's Sasha Goodlett in the first half of an NCAA women's tournament regional semifinal college basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday, March 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

(AP) ? Baylor was cruising, the Lady Bears' reserves were waiting to check in and there seemed to be little excitement.

Then Brittney Griner got behind the Georgia Tech defense and everyone in the arena knew what could be coming.

Baylor's 6-foot-8 All-American didn't disappoint.

Griner threw down a two-handed dunk to cap a sensational performance and the Lady Bears stormed into the NCAA regional finals for the third straight year with an 83-68 victory over Georgia Tech on Saturday.

Griner, who finished with 35 points, 10 rebounds and six blocks, took a pass from Brooklyn Pope and soared in for her dunk with 6:29 left in yet another rout for the Lady Bears ? swinging briefly on the rim for good measure.

"I wanted to get one in this game," said Griner, who was almost nonchalant about her crowd-pleasing play. "Brooklyn got me the ball and I just went up and slammed it."

It was the second straight game in which Griner dunked and the seventh slam of her college career. She's now tied with former Tennessee star Candace Parker, whose two dunks in NCAA tournament play had been the most.

"Even though she dunks in warm-ups all the time, in the game it's just something that automatically just gets us fired up and really excited," Baylor's Odyssey Sims said. "I think we get more excited for her than she does for herself."

Destiny Williams added 18 points on 9-for-10 shooting for the top-seeded Lady Bears (37-0), who'll play second-seeded Tennessee in the regional final on Monday night, the winner advancing to the Final Four.

Baylor, the 2005 national champion, will be seeking its third Final Four appearance and second in three years. Tennessee, which has won eight titles, will try to get to the national semifinals for the 19th time.

Though her team was hopelessly behind at the time, Georgia Tech coach MaChelle Joseph didn't feel Griner was rubbing it in with her dunk. Heck, she thought it was cool.

"It doesn't bother me," Joseph said. "I think she's great for the game. I think it's awesome. Nobody wants to get dunked on, but how many people can actually say I coached in a game where a female basketball player dunked?"

Baylor took control with a 20-0 first-half run and never gave fourth-seeded Tech (26-9) a chance to answer. Sharp-shooting freshman Sydney Wallace led Georgia Tech with 32 points.

Griner dominated with her scoring (13-for-18 shooting), rebounding and intimidation on defense. Then came the dunk, which put Baylor up 77-46 ? and even the neutral fans stood and roared their approval.

A few seconds later, during a timeout, Baylor coach Kim Mulkey took Griner and the other starters out, giving the crowd another chance to salute the game's most dominating player.

"There's no doubt that Brittney Griner is definitely the best player I've ever coached against, I've ever seen play live," Joseph said. "She's a tremendous talent on both ends of the floor. But I thought their complementary players, Destiny Williams in particular, had a huge game for them, especially in the first 10 minutes of the game."

Georgia Tech made the round of 16 for the first time and came in with nine victories in the last 10 games. The Yellow Jackets showed they were serious about competing early as Wallace, who scored 51 points in the first two rounds of the tournament, hit a 3-pointer in front of the Baylor bench and dropped in a high floater over Griner that put Tech up 10-6 and forced a Baylor timeout.

Wallace had no problem showing some enthusiasm after burying her 3.

If only she and her teammates had known what was ahead.

The Lady Bears charged out of the timeout and scored the next 20 points and take a 26-10 lead ? and they did it with everyone contributing.

Griner hit three soft turnaround shots. Williams got inside for three buckets and made a leaner in the lane. Kimetria Hayden knocked down a jumper and a free throw, and Sims added three free throws. She finished with 11 points.

Mulkey said the key was beating Tech's press, which resulted in easy shots for Griner and Williams.

"Brittney got 35 points because of (her teammates') ability to handle the pressure and score at the end of the press," Mulkey said.

Tech committed seven turnovers and missed six shots while going scoreless for 6 1/2 minutes during Baylor's game-breaking surge. The Yellow Jackets would never recover.

The only thing the Lady Bears had to worry about after that was when Mulkey would order them back to practice to start working on Tennessee.

And to make sure they stayed out of the way when Griner dunked.

Associated Press


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What Obama's health care law does

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Inbreeding did not kill mammoths

The last known population of woolly mammoths did not "inevitably" die out because of inbreeding and lack of genetic diversity, a study suggests.

Scientists used techniques normally used to tackle crime scenes to carry out DNA analysis of samples taken from Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean.

They said that it was more likely that human activity or environmental factors killed off the healthy creatures.

Their work is published in the journal Molecular Ecology.

Although mammoths generally died out and disappeared from mainland Eurasia and North America around 10,000 years ago, about 500-1,000 mammoths continued to survive on Wrangel Island for a further 6,000 years.

The 7,000 sq km Wrangel is about 140km from the Russian mainland.

Diversity problems

Scientists working together in the UK and Sweden also say their research could have immense implications for modern-day conservation programmes.

Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

We wanted to find out why these mammoths became extinct?

End Quote Love Dalen Swedish Museum of Natural History

They examined bones, teeth and tusks from the island and compared these with samples found in Chukotka in north-east Siberia.

Report co-author Dr Love Dalen from the department of molecular systematics at the Swedish Museum of Natural History told the BBC the team had been working on the study since 2008.

He said: "We wanted to find out why these mammoths became extinct.

"Wrangel Island is not that big and it was initially thought that such a small population could have suffered problems of inbreeding and a lack of genetic diversity."

He said many previous studies of mammoth DNA had focused on using mitochondrial DNA - genetic information which is passed down on the maternal line.

As cells contain multiple copies of the mitochondrial genome, this DNA is easier to extract from ancient remains than the DNA found in the nucleus of cells.

"But the problem is mammoths don't display that much genetic variation - especially towards the end of their line," Dr Dalen explained.

"We decided to focus on microsatellites (repeated sequences in the DNA) to compare genetic fingerprints of each individual mammoth. This gave us access to nuclear DNA and gave us far stronger results."

He said that during the ice age, the total mammoth population in Eurasia dipped from tens of thousands to very few.

Dr Dalen added: "The DNA investigations found there was a 30% loss in genetic diversity as the population levels dropped - but that was to be expected.

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The mammoths on the island were isolated for nearly 6,000 years but yet managed to maintain a stable population?

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"But when we examined the samples from the island, there reached a point when this reached a plateau and there was no more loss. This stage continued until the creatures became extinct.

"This therefore rejects the inbreeding theory. The mammoths on the island were isolated for nearly 6,000 years but yet managed to maintain a stable population."

The report concluded that the island was large enough for the creatures and so the final extinction was "not a delayed outcome of an inevitable process" such as inbreeding.

"This suggests that the final extinction was caused by a rapid change in the mammoths' environment, such as the arrival of humans or a change in climate, rather than a gradual decline in population size," the study concludes.

Dr Dalen said further investigation focusing on finding the last few woolly mammoths was needed but added: "If humans hunted them to extinction, I would expect us to find evidence of that. I'm personally leaning towards environmental change."

The researchers - who studied 76 samples altogether - also used a computational approach to investigate the population size on the island and how the genetic make-up of the creatures had changed over the years.

The team found that there was a sharp decease in the numbers of mammoths in north-east Siberia during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (about 12,000 years ago). But the group concluded this was likely to be because the Wrangel Island mammoths became increasingly isolated as the sea levels rose around them.

Dr Dalen said: "We took a statistical approach to the genetics and data. We found that there were at least 500-1,000 mammoths at any one time living on the island before they died out.

Significant moment

He said this had immense implications for current research.

"What's really interesting is that maintaining 500 effective individuals is a very common target in conservation programmes.

"Our results therefore support the idea that such an effective population size is enough to maintain genetic diversity for thousands of years.

"These mammoths did fine with what was originally considered to be a small number," he said.

The scientists' work has been reviewed by evolutionary geneticist and University College London Professor Mark Thomas.

He said they had produced a significant moment in mammoth research.

"They have carried out the detailed research in the way it needs to be done but hadn't yet been done before.

"They examined the DNA of multiple samples and they showed that by having a constant size population, the Wrangel Island mammoths were not just doomed to die.

"Something happened to kill all of them - but what that is we do not know yet. That is the next step," he said.


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