Monday, May 21, 2012

A Different Approach on How to Promote for a ... - Web Hosting Talk

Since Web Hosting Advertisements are spreading Everywhere on the internet,
I decided to write down something about that, here i figured out a different approach on how to promote for a hosting business, Hope you like and learn something from it!

What?s Up! Web Hosting Advertisements are spreading over & over almost all the websites on the internet with a big thanks for Google Adwords. Even if you are surfing an online magazine, or newspaper, Political Website, or even a kids one, you can find a big banner on the top right saying Dedicated Unmanaged Servers on a Cheap price, or Checkout our newest Unlimited Shared Hosting Offer!

Most of people can?t understand what exactly the advertisement banner want to say or even if they have some sort of knowledge they can?t understand Unamanaged or Unlimited Keywords, While Some of them decided to take another step by clicking on the banner to check it out, and to know more about this kind of banners they can see almost everywhere.

The big surprise is that upon clicking on the banner, they go through the company?s website which is not less complicated to understand than the advertisement banner! Simply because in the company?s website they passed by These words and concepts: Mysql, Php, Web Space, Offer, and different prices for different criteria of web hosting!

on going further in company?s home page, they can see different plans either for shared, reseller, dedicated servers. Most of those who decided to take the next step to checkout the banner url had to decide to close the tab and get back to the normal life of surfing media, newspaper, Sports, & political issues around their country or even the world, Almost Zero of those people thinks of why not having a website on the internet, what can i do ? because simply they couldnt understand that these offers, plans and concepts are talking about having a website on the internet !

I can see that web hosting companies should follow another different strategies on how to promote for their web hosting services. I think banners, Advertisements and so on should go on how to have your online website and upon clicking on this ad, it brings the user to a descriptive page on how to have a website steps starting from nothing upon start making Profits from your website. So, they can get some important tips on how?s it important and profitable to have a website. Offcourse one of these steps would be on how to choose your web hosting package upon your website requirements and thus we can an order link saying start with us, and give us chance to host your website !

Because the web hosting field is a modern advanced technology, What i think of is that Hosting companies need first to spread how t0?s Strategy first, & upon that they can promote their hosting services. Even if the recent strategies showed that almost New 70 Domain names are registered every minute around the world, there are still most of people really can?t understand how to use the internet for my business, or personal use ! and thus we have to say that Facebook is one of the great projects on the internet that could simplify the process of the internet presence for everyone around the world without any simple need of any little information !

No doubt that articles and tutorials on how to build your own website from Zero Knowledge untill professional stage are available on alot of internet website and majority of them providing this information for free and opensource. however you need to search on how to build a website to get these sites list. and once he search on building website keywords then he is Excited, Interested or cares about this field.

Since we started to get Hosting Advertisements on Different kinds of websites, then i think The banner mission is targetting people Don?t even know hows the internet works. and thus its a must to start over from underground level and inbetween steps, Companies can promote their service. I can assure that most of people are going to say why not trying this out, lets check this new world out.

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