Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bring On The Platform Wars!

zocaloWriting software used to be so simple. A giant pain in the ass, mind you, but simple. You were a Microsoft developer, with binders full of Visual Studio CDs; you were a Java developer; you used the LAMP stack; or you worked with something proprietary from IBM or SAP or the like. Nowadays, though, while the tools and technologies we use have improved enormously...imagine, God forbid, that you're building some sort of web service. Should you use Ruby on Rails? Node.js? Python and Django? PHP and Drupal? .NET? Any of the panoply of Java servers? Something new and cool like Go or Scala? And how/where will you host your code? Amazon? Heroku? App Engine? Joyent? EngineYard? How about your app? You'll have an app, right? On which platforms? Native code? Hybrid HTML5? Cross-compiled with Xamarin? And then there's your database... The mind gibbers and reels with analysis paralysis.


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