Tuesday, May 7, 2013

22 Facebook PR Secrets Every Community Manager Should Know ...

facebook-pr-secretsIs Facebook blue the new black for community managers? Social dashboards indicate Facebook marketing fashion changes by the season.

In order to stay ahead of the competition, you might have to download a book or two, attend a webinar or five,?and stay on a regular diet that includes a healthy dose of the online marketing conference circuit.

You may also turn to trusted experts, the ones who spend their days and nights tracking, testing, experimenting to find out the best colors, times, lengths, accessories, apps, and more to find this season?s Facebook community manager dos and don?ts.

Two of the latest online marketing business books uncovered some Facebook fashion forward thinking designed with community managers in mind.

complete-social-media-community-managers-guide-cover?The Complete Social Media Community Manager?s Guide? by Marty Weintraub and Lauren Litwinka along with ?The Science of Marketing? by Dan Zarrella offer latest top shelf insights, data, and tips when it comes to how a brand can rank in authenticity and pull some publicity out of its Facebook Page.

Today?s community manager can double as a magazine editor by day and DJ by night, spinning content to match the mood, audience, and atmosphere of the daily Facebook newsfeed.

Use the 50/30/20 Rule

Weintraub and Litwinka?s spin on Facebook content calls for 50/30/20 rule.

1. 50 percent news:?Include a custom blend of third party, non-competitive content from sites such as AllTop.com and Buzzfeed.com industry

2. 30 percent personality: Highlight a sparkle of strategic personalization and personality with real time journalism that can only happen on your Facebook Page.

3. 20 percent business:?After you?ve given away all the friendship bracelets, it is time for business and put on the most tasteful type of branded, self promotional content.

The Art & Science of Facebook Marketing

science-of-marketing-coverSocial media can be described as a cool blend of art and science, yet the proof is in the data, according to Zarrella. He notes these key findings when it comes to Facebook community manager formulas:

4. Be positive:?The most shareable kind of content on Facebook is positivity and the least shared is negativity.

5. Avoid unnecessary types of words:?Write simply. Aim for for the fifth grade level, rather than college level. Think USA Today rather than New York Times.

6. Let your hair down:?Relax your corporate content and think outside of the boring cubicle world.

7. High five!: For post frequency, Zarrella found in his research that the sweet spot is four to five times a week but recommends brands use this as a starting point and experiment from there.

Should Community Managers go for the Facebook Like or Share?

8. ?Shares are the best for word of mouth:?A share means people endorse your content to the point of putting their reputation on the line. Your ad or post is interesting enough where people are willing to share it,? said Dennis Yu, co-founder and chief executive officer at BlitzMetrics.

Timing is Everything on Facebook

The data from Zarrella underlines a recent study by Salesforce Marketing Cloud:

9. Join the after hours Facebook party:?Brand posts published between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m., which are defined as ?non-busy hours,? receive 14 percent higher interaction than those that post between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., which are defined as ?busy hours.?

10. Weekends are made for Facebook:?The interaction rate for posts on weekends is 14.5 percent higher compared to weekday posts, however only 14 percent of posts are published on Saturdays and Sundays.

Less is More :D

And to go along with the proof that positive posts are better received than negative, just say it with a simple :).

11. I <3 Facebook: Posts that use emoticons receive 52 percent more Facebook fan engagement and have a 57 percent higher like rate, 33 percent higher comment rate and 33 percent higher share rate. Thumbs up and <3.

12. Less might be more on Facebook:?Brands that post one or two times per day see 19 percent higher interaction rates than those who post three or more times per day. The key is to not bombard fans with too many posts, as Facebook news feed optimization often penalizes for this.

Delivering Happiness on Facebook

Social PR lessons to be learned for Facebook community managers and brands can come from some not so recent, but not so distant Internet entrepreneurs like Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, author of the book ?Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose,? which debuted in 2010 at number one on the New York Times Best Seller List and stayed on the list for 27 consecutive weeks.

What Facebook PR Secrets can Community Managers learn from Hsieh? These core values underlined on the Delivering Happiness website may also be a secret formula to social PR community manager success on Facebook:


13. Be true?to your (weird) self. Live with passion and purpose.

14. Think, say and do in harmony?and in consideration of others.

15. Communicate with honesty?and respect.

16. Have fun and think full.?50 percent air + 50 percent water = 100 percent full.

17. Inspire?and be inspired.

18. Be humble, be grateful.

19. Build community?and meaningful relationships.

20. Keep your heart + mind open?and aligned. Keep growing and learning.

21. Be like MacGyver and Bruce Lee. Do more with less, be creative and adventurous, and fluid like water.

22. Create change in the world more than you ever thought possible.

Be Real

Whether it?s with Twitter, Facebook, or whatever the next thing is, the easiest way to deal with everything is to just encourage employees to be real and use their best judgment, Hsieh said.

Facebook community managers are tasked balancing the art and science of Facebook PR and marketing. Do you have a Facebook PR secret to share?

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Source: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2266182/22-Facebook-PR-Secrets-Every-Community-Manager-Should-Know

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