Monday, December 31, 2012

Stanford University Medical Campus Renewal: Hoover Pavilion

Posted on Monday October 31, 02011


Shoulder High Productions was recently asked to?commemorate the history of the Hoover Pavilion on Stanford University Medical Campus, a building built in the early 1930's and formerly known as the Palo Alto Hospital. ?As it turns out we knew just the guy to ask about this building. ?Shoulder High Productions' owner Christopher Baldwin's father, Dr. Davis Baldwin. ?Dr. Baldwin?had been the first Chief OB/GYN Resident and had a very full career?serving?the Palo Alto and Stanford Community with his business partner and wife Patricia Baldwin, NP. It was an honor to be able to sit down with him and some of the patients who were cared for at the hospital. ?They shared some memories of what the hospital and care was like back then.

This short video was the first in a series of videos that we have created to document and honor the current Stanford Medical Campus as it starts a near decade long rebuilding process to modernize the facilities and care for the community.

You can learn more about the Hoover Pavilion here:

and more about the Stanford University Medical Campus Renewal project here:


Remember that you can watch in HD by clicking the button in the bottom right of this play window after you press play.


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Report: Environment and Food Needs Can be Met (Voice Of America)

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United States Must Destroy All Obama Legislation?Like Rome?s Damnatio Memoriae & Bring Them To Justice!


A Public Condemnation of Barack is Needed to Set America Back on Course

United States Must Destroy All Obama Legislation?Like Rome?s Damnatio Memoriae

By?Kelly O?Connell

What in the name of Zeus does the GOP think it?s going to achieve by bargaining with Barack Obama and his socialist posse? Instead of pretending we have much in common, why don?t the Republicans get a clue and listen to the results of the last election, and heed Conservatism?and allow liberals to keep?listening to Prozac? It is time to use the ancient Roman act of?Damnatio Memoriae, or public condemnation, to bury old Barack along with all his self-indulgent and imbecilic decisions. The following article explores this option.

I. RomanDamnatio Memoriae?Act of Permanent Political Removal

The phrase ?Damnatio Memoriae? means ?posthumousdenigration.? It is a Latin phrase which loosely translates to historical censure, or to be blotted from the official record. The Romans did this punishment to the emperors they considered to be truly abysmal and worthy of the worst ends. This execration was more lowly than death because of the high esteem Romans paid to fame and immortality achieved through noble deeds. Egyptians also practiced a similar kind of posthumous denigration, as well as the?Holy Roman Church. The USSR also practiced this art with great vigor.

Classicist N.S. Gill?writes about this practice,

The Latin term?damnatio memoriae ?condemnation of the memory? is modern, but is used to describe a variety of ancient Roman processes dealing with individuals judged unfit to be members of a community. Such undesirables include traitors, would-be tyrants, and individuals who were enemies of Rome, according to Harriet I. Flowers. This posthumous dishonor was considered the worst that could be done to a former senator.

This act was done by an official vote of the senate, or also unofficially by another emperor?s whim, and then fulfilled through every manner available. For the person posthumously denigrated, their statues would be?destroyed or defaced, their?coinage melted down, paintings desecrated,?inscriptions from across the Empire defiled, and their?name blotted out of historical records.

Gill continues,

Acts subsumed under the rubric of ?damnatio memoriae? include scratching names and titles from inscriptions, defacing likenesses, banning the condemneds? wax masks from funerals, confiscation and destruction of the condemned man or woman?s writing, annulling of wills, marking the birthday of the condemned as a day of ill-omen, marking the anniversary of the condemned?s death with thanksgiving, mutilation of corpses, and more. The condemnations could be started by the Senate, the emperor, or the army.

Emperors who were historically?blotted from the official record included Caligula and Nero.

This?historical scrubbing of figures out of the public record was done by the USSR, not surprisingly. If a politician or military figure fell out with Stalin, or another leader, he could be totally?removed from every photograph or official record. This then?happened to Stalin himself, and Lenin?who had their statutes removed from many public places.

A very recent example of this type of historical censure have been seen in Canada where the?top Canadian military commander, Colonel Russell Williams, was found guilty of murdering two women, and abusing 88 others. The Canadian military decided not to simply recycle his old uniforms but?to burn them so as to never be worn by any other member. His crimes were of a?sexual fetishist nature, bringing great shame upon the military.

II. Purpose of Historical Erasure

Why was this historical censure done upon Roman emperors, the most powerful men in the ancient world? Classical Rome was a place which took great pride in doing things the right way. Public service, and especially elected office, was considered the high point of Roman existence, before the Empire was established. But to do things the wrong way was shameful and society felt a need to publicly address these evil deeds.Damnatio Memoriae was officially established after the Republic ended, but the idea behind it was in keeping with republican principles. The theory was that no scoundrel or criminal should be honored by history who attacks the very country which gives him fame, honor and sustenance. So let it be for Obama.

III. Damnatio Memoriae?of Obama: Ten Criteria

Principled reasons for canceling and reversing Obama legislation ought be done on the following grounds:

First, those decisions made against our Declaration and Constitution and laws.
Second, those choices?made in opposition to the?obvious will of the people, since ourDeclaration condemns this practice: ?Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed??
Third, acts which clearly go against the best interest of all Americans.
Fourth, choices aiding foreign governments at the cost of America or her allies.
Fifth, commands which elevate Islam over other religions. Let?s not forget we are at war with its radicals.
Sixth, acts which are simply unpatriotic.
Seventh, legislation which undermines our capitalist form of economy.
Eighth, choices that harm our armed services.
Ninth, declarations or acts that denigrate America.
Tenth, legislation which weaken America?s sovereignty in the interest of world bodies.

Following is a truncated list of laws and decisions by Obama & Administration that ought be stricken from the record. Plea feel free to add to this short number, as there are hundreds more.


A large majority want this bill completely eviscerated.?It is unconstitutional and willbadly damage the quality and access of American healthcare. A shocking?74% of doctors may quit medicine because of it.


TARP was an?unconstitutional taking of American funds, arbitrarily given to businesses without any accountability.

Detroit Bailout

Detroit car maker?bailout was an illegal buying of?private businesses with public fundswhich created de facto socialist results.


The Stimulus bill was?wasted funds not even invested in infrastructure, but doled out as tasty pork medallions to countless Democratic constituents, while a trillion dollars drain from our money supply.

Global Warming

Despite the science behind this idea being?utterly exposed as fraudulent, Obama resolutely still attempts to address it legally. He might as well demand laws to protect Little Bo Peep, while he?s at it.

Cap & Trade

This legislation would?wildly prune America?s economy, done in the name of an already failed Global Warming theory. It is really a?global Marxist ruse to redistribute wealth. The?UN admits it?s socialism.

Cancels NASA?S Mission Then Dedicate it to Islam

Why fly to the moon when you can?advertise for Mohammad, instead?!!

Suing States While Ignoring Border Chaos

Who?s more dangerous to America?armed illegals or the?states trying to stop them?

Obama Attacks Our Allies & Helps Our Enemies

Hating on Britain while?turning a blind eye on Iran.

Absurd Decision Making on Gulf Oil Spill

Obama disappeared when crisis came. But that?s OK?it?s his MO!

Disappears While WikiLeaks Hemorrhages State Secrets

Obama can?threaten to kick BP?s ##### but not?little Julian Assange? Clueless!

Insulting America in Foreign Countries

America is so bad?Barack must escape the continent to then?rat us out to other countries.

Taking Great Pains to Honor Islam

Obama apparently loves Islam, but need he?shove it down our throats?, including the9/11 Mosque?

Huge Mistakes With the Housing Crisis

When it came to the mortgage crisis,?Obama made it worse.

Inexplicably Setting a Course for Years of Ruinous Deficits

Obama does not understand economics, proved by his?choosing decades of trillion dollar deficits.

Picking Winners & Losers Between Loyal Americans

Obama told Hispanics that?Conservatives are their enemies and so must be punished.

Insisting America?s Time of Greatness is Over

So Americans elected Obama to fly around the globe announcing?America?s best days are behind us?

Trying to Establish a Foundation for a Socialist Country

Has there been any decision by Obama that has not involved spending more money orgrowing the government larger?

Many Broken Promises

Here are a few?

IV. Good Effects of Obama?s Historical Public Damnation

We cannot wipe out anyone?s existence in the US like was done in ancient Rome, or during the communist regime of the USSR. But we can decisively repudiate the lawless reign of tin-horn tyrant Barack Obama by canceling all of his horrible legislation.

But is this really necessary, anyway? Wasn?t Obama chastened by the last election results? In a word, No! Contra?because, at some level?to save the standards in this country, a public repudiation must be done in some manner, to reestablish democracy, capitalism, the Bill of Rights, and American sovereignty. In other words, teaching future would-be tyrants that America is the land of the free and home of the brave; not the place of brainless imposters who would be depots, is a lesson we desperately need to establish today.

V. Condemning Obama?s Particular Sins

In particular, the Obama legacy must be challenged, including running a campaign that received hundreds of millions in anonymous global funds over the Internet, a tawdry fact never investigated. Campaign irregularities involving ACORN were also observed across the US, some of which helped catapult Al Franken into office for Barack?s supermajority, used for Obamacare. Obama also employed a remarkable barrage of lies to help himself enter office, Chicago style.

Barack must also be condemned for his insipid ?Cabinet,? a staff of leftist toadies nearly as incompetent as he. Elfish Tim Geithner is a prime example, as well as the rodent-like and spectacularly condescending David Axelgrease. Add ham-fisted media-bear spokesperson Bobby Gibbs, and Rahm ?Ram-Beau? Emanuel, ballet student turned politician. All of these come to mind as outlandish misfits. Too bad town square stockades and public floggings are out of style.

Three major flaws of Obama?s present themselves when considering a need for public censure of this colossal misfit: Honesty, Competence and Orientation. First, Barack has such a problem telling the truth that at some point we must suspect he probably doesn?t understand the concept, for starters. For this he needs psychiatric evaluation.

Second, in no possible universe does Barack even begin to measure up to the most basic level of competence for his role as leader. So the 900 pound donkey in the room is?Why did Obama even decide to run for president??Even he admitted he was utterly unqualified by reason of education and experience. Not only was Obama unfit to lead when elected?doesn?t it seem like he has actually devolved since his ascension? It?s time to put down the golf bag and basketball and start studying world history, economics, American constitutional development, and many other subjects for this lazy vagabond of a POTUS.

The most worrisome aspect of Obama?s worldview, believe it or not, is not his dishonesty or incompetence?but his political orientation. Why does everything have to be leftism, socialism or communism to slake his avaricious leadership style? He?s like a robot programmed by Marx, used to deliver pamphlets for the ACLU.


Let?s throw Obama out of office and begin the enjoyable task of a total repudiation of his Marxist agenda. If anything will get the attention of progressive Americans who are bizarrely trying to torpedo their own ship, this action will do the trick.

Every one of the above bad laws and decisions was fomented by obdurate Obama, either through ignorance, ill-will, or red-eyed Marxist fervor. There are so many bad decisions by Barack, and so few good, he cannot simply be treated as another failed leftist president. He must be singled out as almost uniquely wicked, publicly condemned and shamed into permanent exile. Otherwise, how else will our children learn to oppose misuse of public offices and funds, while detesting smooth liars?

Publicly condemning Obama is no different than any other kind of calling out wickedly unacceptable public behavior. Barack needs to be disciplined and put in his place just like the bully on the block collecting other kid?s lunch money. Unless the bad politicians of America see Obama put in his place decisively after his giant folly, it will only embolden them, and then we truly will have hell to pay.



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Will Google+ Ever Get A Full Read/Write API?

GooglePlus-512-RedDepending on who you ask, Google+ is either a thriving social network and the most important backbone of Google's social efforts, or a deserted wasteland where a small clique of fans keeps the lights on. I tend to think it's doing quite alright for Google, but I also know that I would use it far more if I could use a desktop client (and maybe one that combines Twitter, Facebook and Google+) to read and post updates. Google, however, has steadfastly refused to launch a full read/write API for Google+.


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Israel to seize Jerusalem village land to construct wall (Ma'an News Agency)

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli authorities issued notices on Friday to annex 456 dunams of land from a Jerusalem village in order to build part of its separation wall, local officials said.

Head of Beit Iksa village council Kamal Hababa said villagers were shocked when they saw the notices detailing plans to seize agricultural land, officials news agency Wafa reported.

The notices invited residents to participate in a tour with Israeli military officers along the proposed route of the barrier, Hababa said, adding that villagers refused to take part and vowed to confront soldiers if they come to the village.

The wall, when finished, will surround the village on all sides and annex around 12,000 dunams of agricultural land used for growing olive trees and grape vineyards.

Beit Iksa's 2,000 residents will be left with only 300 dunams of land for natural growth and will be separated from Jerusalem and isolated from the rest of the West Bank, Jerusalem governorate official Muhammad Tari said.

Beit Iksa village is located in Area B but is physically isolated from surrounding areas, with residents having to cross a checkpoint to access the West Bank.

The village is located directly opposite the illegal Ramot Allon settlement, which is considered part of Jerusalem by Israel but is illegal under international law.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Samsung offers free flip covers and TecTiles for GS III and Note II device registrations

DNP Samsung doles out free flip covers and Tectiles if you register your device, only S III and Note II owners may apply

If you just received a Galaxy S III or a Note II this holiday season, you could do yourself a favor and register it on Samsung's Facebook page to get even more goodies from Santa Sammy. What do you get in exchange for handing over some personal details and giving the Korean company access to your timeline? Why, a free flip cover and six TecTiles, which usually go for about $15 for a pack of five. We haven't heard much about wide adoption of these programmable NFC tags, but maybe it'll gain some traction after a recent 3.0 app update and this promotional giveaway. We're not sure why the offer doesn't extend to other Samsung phones, but maybe they just don't have enough of those pastel covers to go around.

Filed under: , ,


Via: Android Central

Source: Facebook (Samsung)


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NCAA tournament great live, but television brings it all home

I know we're still a couple of months out from the carnival of cacophony that is the NCAA tournament, but I want you to try something for me here. Ready? Imagine an NCAA tournament ... without the help of television. Imagine that sheet of yours, scrawled picks already mutilated, sitting in your sweaty hands -- and you have no ability to watch it unfold anywhere, just information and game results coming in over the Internet, or your phone, or from a friend.

Go ahead. I'll give you a good 20 seconds to try and picture that kind of world, that kind of torture.

Yeah ... you can't, can you? I know: God forbid. Forever spare us from such a dystopia, oh Great One from above. This beautiful bracket of boisterous basketball that comes in three weekend dollops each year, it's ingrained within the framework and fabric of television. The tournament is The Tournament because of TV. I'm a 1981 baby. My first college basketball memory is UNLV winning the 1990 national title, that throttling of Duke before Duke was truly Duke. My point is, I -- like the growing populace of basketball fans -- cannot picture the NCAA tournament without it taking place on a television screen. Almost every memory I have of March basketball is looped in to my eyes wide and beamed in at the moving pictures beamed out at me.

To those of you, the diehards reading this who were in love with and ahead of the game in the 1960s and '70s, all of my respect. I don't know what it was like back then, charting and tracking college hoops when it had only a handful of tilts on TV each season. An alien era for a sports fan like me.

The sea change came right around the time disco died -- 1979 altered everything. That's when Magic Johnson and Michigan State beat Larry Bird's Sycamores from Indiana State. Highest-rated college hoops game ever. It's what caused the tournament to move up in caste, to be a popular American sporting event and eventually the best one, beaten only in popularity by the Super Bowl and rivaled by none other in terms of widespread drama, variety of victory, magical moments and unpredictable outcomes. In fact, 1979 and a Saturday in March 1981 (March 14, to be exact; read this) are what really showed what this tournament was capable of doing.

It was built to create casual interest, sweeping appeal, white-hot fanaticism -- all due to the nature of the grid. Basketball plus brackets plus television equals a formula that is nearly impossible to screw up. And I know college hoops TV ratings aren't what they once were, but that's not the point. The point is, the actual NCAA tournament has only gotten better/easier to watch as the years have gone on because the means to watch it have improved. Better screens of all sizes and made-for-you appointment television.

I remember the 1990s, when CBS used to attempt to put four games on at once during the opening round, as if we could see all that action on our regular-def TVs back in 1995. I still loved the ambition. I now realize CBS was squeezing the first "quad box" onto our screens more than a decade before the Red Zone Channel brought the term to the American sports lexicon. Hey, attending the tournament can be great. Special, even. But nowadays, TV affects even that. Here's how. I'm in Denver at the 2011 NCAA opening weekend, watching a through-the-motions game unfold between BYU and Gonzaga.

Then I hear oohs and ahhs coming in distant but distinct waves from within the arena. Not overpowering, but enough to draw the attention from most in the building. Where's it coming from? Is there something we're missing? This game's only in the first half. Then I realize: Everyone who's in a luxury box is watching Pittsburgh and Butler goof and grit their way to one of the best NCAA tournament games of the past five years. Eventually, cheers. Butler wins. And then most everyone turns back to watch BYU and Jimmer Fredette go on to lash Gonzaga by 22 points and move on to the Sweet 16. Even when we're at the games, TV has an impact.

Now it has only gotten better for viewers. Instead of the archaic notion of being stuck with one game, CBS, TNT, TBS and truTV give us the option to watch any game we want. You can see games on your computer and on your phone. The NCAA tournament is about your picks, the no-name players on no-name teams and the common appeal of going through the theatrics with complete strangers at a bar, or with your dad in the living room, or alone in your apartment, holding up friends while you wait to see the end of this ridiculous 6-11 matchup.

I'll never forget being with my brothers at my parents' place in 2010, watching Kansas get Farokhmanesh'd. The gusty, quick 3 fell and we exploded off the couch, just like we did in 2006, when we watched in disbelief as George Mason beat UConn to go to the Final Four. (Still can't believe Denham Brown's shot didn't go in to win it.) I'll never forget visiting a former girlfriend in Syracuse in 2003 and watching Gonzaga and Arizona play one of the best second-round games I'll ever see. There must have been 16 of us squeezed into that dorm room -- and there must have been thousands of other dorm rooms around the country engaging in the same thrills.

I could go on. VCU over Duke in '06. Syracuse over Georgia 10 years before. VCU's run two years ago; the unlikely Illinois comeback against Arizona in '05; Richard Hamilton -- "HAMILTON!" -- in '98. Dozens more. They're with us not because we were there, but because we couldn't be. The tournament wouldn't be The Tournament without television. To those witnessing the best moments in person, it's the best sport. For everyone else getting to watch it around the globe, it becomes more -- a communal, immortal spectacle.


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Israel indicts former foreign minister Lieberman

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli far-right leader Avigdor Lieberman was charged on Sunday with fraud and breach of trust, allegations that prompted his resignation as foreign minister two weeks ago, justice officials said.

Lieberman, who has denied the accusations, remains head of the Yisrael Beitenu party that has formed a coalition with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party ahead of a January 22 parliamentary election.

Israeli justice officials said Lieberman was indicted on charges relating to the promotion of an Israeli diplomat who had illegally given him information about a police investigation against him.

Under Israeli law, conviction on the fraud and breach of trust charges could disqualify Lieberman from holding a cabinet post in the next government.

Lieberman, who lives in a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank, has stoked controversy by questioning the loyalties of Israel's 1.5 million Arab citizens.

His comments have drawn accusations of racism but have also given him a large electoral following beyond his Russian-speaking base.

Earlier this month, he angered the European Union by saying it had not sufficiently condemned calls by Hamas Islamists for Israel's destruction, likening this to Europe's failure to stop Nazi genocide against Jews during World War Two.

The European Union foreign policy chief called the comments offensive and reiterated the bloc's commitment to Israel's security.

Born in Moldova, Lieberman emigrated to Israel in 1978. He became administrative head of the Likud party in 1993 and ran the prime minister's office from 1996 to 1997 during Netanyahu's first term. He left and formed Yisrael Beitenu in 1999.

Lieberman is the latest in a string of Israeli politicians to face corruption charges in recent years. Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert resigned in 2008 after being indicted, though he has since been acquitted of most of the charges against him.

(Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Andrew Heavens)


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State Dept. warns of travel hazards in Haiti

(AP) ? The State Department has issued a revised Haiti travel advisory, warning Americans planning to travel to the Caribbean island nation about robbery, lawlessness, infectious disease and poor medical facilities.

"U.S. citizens have been victims of violent crime, including murder and kidnapping, predominantly in the Port-au-Prince area. No one is safe from kidnapping, regardless of occupation, nationality, race, gender, or age," the department said.

The new travel warning was released Friday to replace a less strongly worded advisory issued in June.

In recent months, travelers arriving in Port-au-Prince, the capital and largest city, on flights from the United States have been attacked and robbed after leaving the airport. This year, at least two U.S. citizens were shot and killed in robbery and kidnapping incidents, the State Department said.

"Haitian authorities have limited capacity to deter or investigate such violent acts, or prosecute perpetrators," the department said.

The State Department also noted that while the incidents of cholera have declined, the disease persists in many areas of Haiti. Medical facilities, including ambulance services, are particularly weak.

"Thousands of U.S. citizens safely visit Haiti each year, but the poor state of Haiti's emergency response network should be carefully considered when planning travel. Travelers to Haiti are encouraged to use organizations that have solid infrastructure, evacuation, and medical support options in place," the department said.



Haiti Travel Warning:

Associated Press


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Search Engine Land's Most Popular Stories On Google+ In 2012 ...

It?s started, the top lists of 2012! Over the next few days, we?ll be posting a series of these, including the most read Search Engine Land stories, the most tweeted ones and the ones most liked on Facebook. But to kick it off, the stories with the most +1?s on Google+.

How did we collect this data? Search Engine Land columnist?Annie Cushing?suggested we use Social Crawlytics, a tool that easily crawls the site and reports on the social activity for each URL. If you haven?t checked it out, go do so. It?s free to get started.

A few observations while aggregating list:

  • Seventeen of the top 20 stories have the word ?Google? in the headline. People on Google+ sure like stories about Google!
  • Eight of these stories have the word ?Panda? in the headline, so Google?s Panda Update that began in 2011 made news all through 2012
  • Three stories mention ?SEO? in the headline

Without further ado, here are our top stories with the most +1?s from 2012, with the number of +1?s each received shown after the headline:

1. Google Confirms Panda 3.3 Update, Plus Changes To How It Evaluates Links, Local Search Rankings & Much More?(490)

2. Google Launches Knowledge Graph To Provide Answers?(336)

3. Google Pushing Out Panda Update 3.9 Tonight?(278)

4. The Definitive Guide To Google Authorship Markup?(268)

5. Official: It?s Google Panda Update 23, Impacting ~1.3% Of Queries?(266)

6. For Social Media Marketers, SEO Is Much More Popular Than PPC?(263)

7. Google Releases Panda Update 21, Impacts 1.1% Of US Queries In English?(234)

8. WSJ Says Big Google Search Changes Coming? Reality Check Time!?(231)

9. Back To The Future: Google Announces A Meta Keywords Tag Just For News Articles?(229)

10. Google Panda 3.2 Update Confirmed?(213)

11. Ex-Googler: ?To Please Google With Your SEO, Forget About SEO??(208)

12. Google Panda Update 20 Released, 2.4% Of English Queries Impacted?(206)

13. Google Places Ranking Factors ? The PhD Version?(194)

14. Facebook Gets Into Local Search With ?Facebook Nearby? For iOS & Android?(172)

15, Google Says Panda 3.4 Is ?Rolling Out Now??(170)

16. Panda Update 3.92 Rolling Out (Or Is It Panda 20 Time?)?(161)

17. Google?s Gags Go Worldwide For April Fool?s Day 2012?(155)

18. 2012 Year In Review: Important Shifts In Google SEO?(144)

19. Study: 39% Of Google Search Referrers Now ?Not Provided??(142)

20. Google Plus Connections Are The New Links?(126)

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Precision agriculture conference coming up in Salina in January ...

Early registration ? and discounted registration ? for the annual Kansas Ag Research and Technology Association conference is being offered by the nonprofit organization.

The 16th annual Precision Agricultural Technologies Conference will be Jan. 17-18 in Salina. The event brings together agricultural producers and industry leaders for a two-day interactive workshop on the precision agriculture industry.

According to a news release from the organization, those who sign up by Jan. 10 can receive a $50 discount, bringing the conference price to $175 per person (which includes meals and refreshments).

Funds generated through association dues and conference registrations are used to provide grants to facilitate on-farm research projects and instructional workshops that are conducted to help spread use of the findings from that research, according to the news release.

For more information about the event and registration information, go to



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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 25 Best PS3 Games of 2012 - Video Games Blogger

The Top 25 best PS3 games of 2012 have been revealed! Is your favorite PS3 game part of the list of the greatest the PlayStation 3 console had to offer in 2012? The year is almost over, so we?ve compiled this list of the top-quality AAA must-own titles of the year!

Index of Top 25 Best Games of 2012 Lists:

Is there a game that didn?t make the list, that you think deserves a spot? Leave a comment and let us know your own list!


Hitman: Absolution, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Skullgirls, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Pro Evolution Soccer 2013, Closure, LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, SSX, and SoulCalibur V.

#25 ? Dyad (PS3 Exclusive)
#24 ? Sleeping Dogs
#23 ? Madden NFL 13
#22 ? LEGO The Lord of the Rings
#21 ? NHL 13
#20 ? Sound Shapes (PlayStation Exclusive)
#19 ? Darksiders II
#18 ? Need for Speed: Most Wanted
#17 ? Street Fighter X Tekken
#16 ? Assassin?s Creed III
#15 ? ZEN Pinball 2
#14 ? Sine Mora
#13 ? UFC Undisputed 3
#12 ? Persona 4 Arena
#11 ? MLB 12: The Show (PlayStation Exclusive)

#10 ? Max Payne 3

#9 ? FIFA Soccer 13

#8 ? The Walking Dead: The Game

#7 ? Dishonored

#6 ? XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Find out which PS3 game is #1 in 2012 as our countdown continues on the next page?

Continue Reading on: Page 1 Page 2

About the author

Ferry GroenendijkBy Ferry Groenendijk: He is the founder and editor of Video Games Blogger. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and at Google+.


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Adoptions are 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturdays at PetSmart, 11132 Abercorn St. Foster pets are socialized, current on vaccines and spayed/neutered (or a voucher is given). We assist pet owners who need to find a new home for a pet. Go to or call 912-598-7729.


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Westboro threat to picket Newtown sparks petitions

Allison Joyce / Getty Images

A man wearing the school colors of Sandy Hook Elementary School links arms with people in anticipation of blocking the view of the protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church near the wake of school principal Dawn Hochsprung on Dec. 19 in Woodbury, Conn.

By Reuters

More than 475,000 people have signed petitions asking the White House to crack down on Westboro Baptist Church after the group, known for holding anti-gay demonstrations at funerals, threatened to picket in Newtown, Conn.

Newtown was the site of a school massacre on December 14 in which 20 young children and six adults were killed.

Newtown victims honored

Five petitions posted on the White House website since the shootings have asked the government to name the church, based in Topeka, Kan., a hate group or end its tax-exempt status. The requests were among the most popular on the White House site on Thursday.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization, has called the church "arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America" because of the anti-gay signs its members have carried at hundreds of military funerals. Church members say the protests reflect their view that God is punishing America for tolerance of gays and lesbians.

The church has successfully defended its right to free speech in court. The church could not be immediately reached for comment.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment on whether it would address the petitions.

The White House has a policy of responding to petitions that reach a threshold of 25,000 signatures but does not comment on certain law enforcement issues that are within the jurisdiction of federal agencies or courts.

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More than 48,000 people have signed a petition that they posted on the White House website demanding that British CNN talk show host Piers Morgan be deported over comments he made on air about gun control. ?Morgan lambasted pro-gun guests on his show after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.?

"We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens," the petition said.

Obama last week asked Americans to pressure Congress to help tighten gun laws. He responded after several hundred thousand people signed a dozen petitions calling for tougher gun laws following the Newtown attack.

Twenty-year-old Adam Lanza used a military-style assault rifle to kill 20 elementary school children and seven adults, including his mother shot earlier at the family home, then he took his own life.

Obama has called for Congress to approve a ban on the sale of military-style assault weapons and a ban on the sale of high-capacity ammunition clips, as well as measures to ensure background checks for gun purchases at gun shows.

Brendan Smialowski / AFP - Getty Images

A nation mourns after the second deadliest school shooting in U.S. history at Sandy Hook Elementary, which left 20 children and six staff members dead.

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This page is for the characters with combative prowess. Please list and detail your character's current stats and skills for all to see so that there is no confusion as to the capabilities and performance limitations to which they are governed. To give the example and to get it out of the way, I am posting Shadow's "strengths" first so that you all can analyze it and provide the same listed strengths as I provide, albeit in accordance with your own character and not mine. This page will be updated as the RP progresses whenever training periods come and go, or when certain battles are over and/or new weaponry or clothing is acquired (and yes, clothing can make a difference). So please do check back regularly and make changes whenever appropriate.

Thank you!

So, here we go!


Shadow's body to arm ratio: Shadow is 6' 0" tall, however, his arm span is slightly longer a 6' 1". This means that Shadow has a longer reach than most men who are 6', as their arm length will typically be less than their height which gives him an advantage in combat against men of his size or within a two to three inch margin.

Shadow's weight: Shadow weighs approximately 190 to 200 lbs of raw, lean muscle which is above average for one of his size. The average body weight for a healthy young man at 6' is approximately 170 lbs. That extra thirty pounds makes him deceptively powerful thanks to his lean frame which disguises the true depths of his power.

Shadow's reaction time: Shadow's reaction time is 120 milliseconds +/- 5 milliseconds depending on the number of distractions in his immediate area. The average healthy and active human being's reaction time is about 250-300 milliseconds. I think you can do the rough math on that one. Lol.

Shadow's clothing: Shadow's jacket weighs about two pounds and is black leather. His vambracesare coated with Orichalcum, and weigh twenty pounds each. He wears black gloves as well which have Orichalcum coverings across each finger for protection when he punches hard surfaces. These coverings weigh about a pound each, for a total of five pounds on each hand. Shadow's shirt is lightweight and flexible, as are his pants which are held up by a belt which weighs no more than a pound. Shadow's boots have Orichalcum toes and souls, each one weighing about a total of about ten pounds. His greaves weigh thirty pounds each, and are also coated in Orichalcum. When combining the weight of all of the Orichalcum he wears, coupled with his two Orichalcum daggers which weigh forty pounds each, Shadow is wearing a total of approximately three hundred and twenty pounds of extra weight.

This means that Shadow, at any one time when he's fully dressed and prepared for combat, weighs in excess of four hundred pounds. This makes him comparable to a human tank, being almost immovable thanks to the weight of the Orichalcum covering his body. Add in the fact that all this weight does very little to slow him down because of how long he's worn it and trained in it, and you'll start to see just how strong Shadow really is.

Shadow's speed: Some of the fastest boxers on Earth today can only get in about six to seven punches per second when they really go or it, and even then they're cutting their punches short by not retracting them all the way back to the waist. Shadow can punch from the waist about eight times in a single second, and that is when he pulls his fists all the way back to his waist each time. No short punches here.

On the same note, Shadow can kick at over 90 mph, +/- 5 mph, when he really goes for it. To give some perspective, the fastest competitive martial artists alive today kick about 70 mph with a "flick kick", which is to say that they kick for speed and not for power. The impact of a 90+ mph kick, when coupled with Shadow's strength, can literally decapitate a human being inside their own body by severing the skull from the spinal chord. Though it does not break the skin or muscles in the neck, the fact that the skull is removed from the spine defines it as a decapitation.

Shadow's eyesight: Shadow's eyes are more suited to nighttime, which is why his vision at night is 20/5 and his vision in the day is 20/10. Obviously, this has to do with the fact that his eyes are red and can glow, but I won't divulge the secret to that yet.

That's about it! Whenever you have the time, please provide the same overall stats for your character to show us where they stand and what they can do. Obviously there are some liberties taken with these stats, so don't feel completely limited by "reality". Though this RP is going to be as realistic as possible, this pertains primarily to the laws of physics, and not the limitations of the human body which is why Shadow is so strong. Have at it!


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NYC Subway Slaying: Man Pushed To Death In Front Of 7 Train

NEW YORK ? A mumbling woman pushed a man to his death in front of a subway train on Thursday night, the second time this month someone has been killed in such nightmarish fashion, police said.

The man, who wasn't immediately identified, was standing on the elevated platform of a 7 train in Queens at about 8 p.m. when he was shoved by the woman, who witnesses said had been following him closely and mumbling to herself, New York Police Department chief spokesman Paul Browne said. It didn't appear the man noticed her before he was shoved onto the tracks, police said.

The woman fled, and police were searching for her. She was described as Hispanic, in her 20s, heavyset and about 5-foot-5, wearing a blue, white and gray ski jacket and Nike sneakers with gray on top and red on the bottom.

It was unclear if the man and the woman knew each other or if anyone tried to help the man up before he was struck by the train and killed.

On Dec. 3, 58-year-old Ki-Suck Han was shoved in front of a train in Times Square. A photograph of him on the tracks a split second before he was killed was published on the front of the New York Post the next day, causing an uproar and debate over whether the photographer, who had been waiting for a train, should have tried to help him and whether the newspaper should have run the image. Apparently no one else tried to help up Han, either.

A homeless man, 30-year-old Naeem Davis, was charged with murder in Han's death and was ordered held without bail. He has pleaded not guilty and has said that Han was the aggressor and had attacked him first. The two men hadn't met before.

Service was suspended Thursday night on the 7 train line, which connects Manhattan and Queens, and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority was using buses to shuttle riders while police investigated.

Being pushed onto the train tracks is a silent fear for many of the commuters who ride the city's subway a total of more than 5.2 million times on an average weekday, but deaths are rare. Among the more high-profile cases was the January 1999 death of aspiring screenwriter Kendra Webdale, who was shoved by a former mental patient. After that, the state Legislature passed Kendra's Law, which lets mental health authorities supervise patients who live outside institutions to make sure they are taking their medications and aren't threats to safety.

Earlier on HuffPost:

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Intelligentsia: Elevate Your Home Brew | iPhone.AppStorm

Are you looking to perfect your home coffee brewing technique? Intelligentsia, a coffee bar with locations in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York, seeks to elevate your coffee experience from bean to cup. These guys don?t just sell coffee, they develop blends working directly with growers and they perform the roasting. With the Intelligentsia Coffee app, you can geek out on coffee by checking out the beautifully illustrated brewing techniques, keeping up with the latest seasonal coffees offered and utilizing the brew timer for ultimate brewing precision.

This smart, sleek app also connects you with Intelligentsia via their twitter feed and maps of all locations (with hours). Share your favorite coffee blends from the app on Facebook and find impressions from other coffee lovers (or leave your own) in the coffee comments.

If you know what a Chemex is or carefully calibrate your coffee grinder for the perfect cup of French Press every morning, the Intelligentsia Coffee app was made for you. Did I mention it?s free?

Like the article? You should subscribe and follow us on twitter.

Getting Started

Open the app and you?ll the home screen is a list of current coffee offerings from Intelligentsia Coffee. In this view you can see the coffee name and its three most prominent flavors (for example: cranberry, fig, vanilla). Tap the button in the top right corner to apply filters to the list. This function allows you to narrow the list by country or flavor, amongst other attributes. Browsing the coffees is fun and all, but doesn?t serve much of a purpose since you can?t purchase them in the app (go to their brick-and-mortar coffee shops or their website).

Home screen on the left, filters on the right.

Home screen on the left, filters on the right.

Dig Deeper

Tap on the coffee to get more information in the form of concise notecards navigated by a swiping motion. The first card expands on the three prominent flavors and includes Intelligentsia quality labels regarding whether or not the coffee is Direct Trade and in Season. The second card shares facts such as bean varietal, date of harvest and country of origin.

Swipe through notecards for more info on the selected coffee.

Swipe through notecards for more info on the selected coffee.

The third and final card is a menu of options you can tap to select. Find out the long story behind that particular bean, view related photographs, share the coffee on Facebook or by email, view comments from others or add your own. I noticed the Video icon is dead for all the coffees, images can only be seen in landscape mode (the app is oriented in portrait mode) and there don?t seem to be any comments. The comment function is email based, and comes off clunky and dated for such a modern-looking app. It appears that users are ignoring it altogether.

A menu of options on the left. Tap on the photo option and the image loads in landscape orientation, as seen on the right.

A menu of options on the left. Tap on the photo option and the image loads in landscape orientation, as seen on the right.

The Best Part

Leave the home screen by tapping on another icon at the base of the screen, and you?ll discover the best part of Intelligentsia. A single tap on the Brewing icon takes you to a menu of brewing methods, from vintage Pourover to complicated Siphon Brewer to the approachable French press. Tap on a brewing method for a fully illustrated slideshow on the whole process. This is the meat of the app, complete with lists of all the equipment you?ll need and smart tips that the pros use. Up in the top right corner of the screen you?ll notice a button shaped like a timer with an arrow. Tap it and you?re given the option to set the brew timer. You can then return to the step-by-step guide exactly where you left off.

Scroll through the brewing methods and select one for illustrated step-by-step instructions.

Scroll through the brewing methods and select one for illustrated step-by-step instructions.

Brew Timer can always be accessed by tapping on its icon at the bottom of the screen. Select a brew method and the time is calculated for you. Leave the app to check your email or answer the phone, and the alert will still chime when your coffee is ready. Certain brewing methods, like the Siphon Brewer, require stirring at regular intervals. Set the timer and it will alert you with instructions on what step to perform. See? It?s more than just a timer ? it?s a smart timer!

Select a brewing method, like French Press, and the Brew Timer calculates the time, alerting you when the brew is ready or if additional steps are required.

Select a brewing method, like French Press, and the Brew Timer calculates the time, alerting you when the brew is ready or if additional steps are required.

The Catch-All Icon

The last icon is About, a random collection of stuff that looks like someone took the About page of a website and incorporated it into the app. Tap on an icon for more information. Only a couple of the icons are truly useful in this mobile setting: the compass and Twitter icon. Tap the compass to access a map of Intelligentsia Coffee locations and hours of operation. Swipe the screen to navigate to the next slide, a description of the shop and neighborhood. There is also the option to open Google Maps in the browser for directions based on your location, assuming you?re connected to the Internet. For the Intelligentsia twitter feed, tap the blue T and find the latest updated news.

The About page is a catch-all of icons, pictured left. Tap the compass for maps and directions to Intelligentsia Coffee shops, pictured right.

The About page is a catch-all of icons, pictured left. Tap the compass for maps and directions to Intelligentsia Coffee shops, pictured right.

The rest of the icons on the About page are for static information. The Intelligentsia logo of a winged coffee bean takes you to a long description of the company?s mission and history. In Season describes the label applied to coffee beans and what seasonality of coffee means. The black and white arrows symbol highlights the company focus on direct trade with growers. Tapping the red emblem brings up information on The Black Cat Project, a pursuit of the perfect espresso.


Intelligentsia Coffee is free, beautifully designed and rich in useful information. I give this app an 8/10, knocking it only because of the clunkiness when it comes to social interaction and sharing. The illustrated step-by-step brewing guides are the best part of this app. No matter how you like your coffee, Intelligentsia has a tip to improve your home brew. The Brew Timer is more than just a pretty face; it?s smart too, alerting you to steps at timed intervals. Even if you don?t live near an Intelligentsia Coffee shop or buy their beans online, this app will seduce you into loving their brand. What coffee lover wouldn?t appreciate a better brew?



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Kenya hospital imprisons new mothers with no money

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) ? The director of the Pumwani Maternity Hospital, located in a hardscrabble neighborhood of downtown Nairobi, freely acknowledges that he detains mothers who can't pay their bills.

Lazarus Omondi says it's the only way he can keep his medical center running. Now, a New York-based group filed a lawsuit this month in hopes of forcing Pumwani to stop the practice.

Two mothers who live in a mud-wall and tin-roof slum near the maternity hospital said Pumwani wouldn't let them leave after delivering their babies. The bills the mothers couldn't afford were $60 and $160. Guards with sticks would beat mothers who tried to leave without paying, one of the women said.

Omondi says one solution to the problem would be a national health insurance program.

Associated Press


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Making Robots with Mass Appeal

Not so long ago, the idea of most people owning a robot seemed far-fetched. But today, not only can consumers buy robots, but they can do so relatively cheaply.

The world of consumer robotics is finally beginning to merge with the world of everyday people, and some products really stand out. But in this growing and cutting-edge field, what makes a robot commercially successful? TechNewsDaily spoke with two creators of successful consumer robots to find out how they make their products click with the masses.

Ian Bernstein, the cofounder and Chief Technology Officer at Orbotix, believes the secret to success is simplicity, at least for now. ?[The robot] has to be really simple, because if it?s too complicated, people won?t use it,? Bernstein said. He and his team are responsible for Sphero, a simple robotic sphere with a range of capabilities.

But that simplicity didn?t come easy, said Bernstein. ?We were constantly improving to make things intuitive and simplify things. It was so hard to get this thing to work. It was crazy.?

Complicating the challenge of making a straightforward robot, Bernstein also wanted to produce an affordable product, one that would be accessible to a wide audience. Over the last few years, the Orbotix team made that goal a reality.

[Flying and Rolling Robots Work Together]

Users can control Sphero by remote, using an iPhone or Android. But the robot can also function as an onscreen controller to replace traditional gaming controllers, tabletop and multiplayer games, and, most recently, augmented reality games (games that enable users to view the real-word environment along with augmented, machine-generated elements). The ball, which two years ago was simply a concept, became hugely popular, and is now available for $129 at retailers like Brookstone, Apple and Target.

And the Orbotix team has no intention of slowing down. With more and more apps on the way, Bernstein and his group are excited about the future of Sphero, and for new Orbotix creations.

?I think Sphero is a good introduction to gaming robots, and as people get more comfortable with that idea, we can begin to do more complicated things,? said Bernstein. ?In fifteen years, we want to be the company building one-and-a-half foot [tall] robots that you buy at Target and battle [with] while you?re jumping around your living room.?

But the current world of consumer robots isn?t limited to entertainment. Jasen Wang, the founder of MakeBlock, believes that the ability to create is an essential piece of the consumer robotics market. His product, what he calls ?Legos for adults,? allows consumers to buy parts and build robots for themselves.

?Most people are creative people,? said Wang, ?and they have ideas, so now, if they want to, they have the opportunity to realize those ideas.? Like, Bernstein, Wang wanted to create an intuitive product. ?Before, if you wanted to produce something, it was very hard on the mechanics side. Our goal is make it easy for people to build robots.?

Admittedly, MakeBlock does require some knowledge of hardware, and Wang believes that the product needs to be simplified even more. But, he explains, just as a child benefits from playing with Legos, adults will learn as they manipulate and play with products like MakeBlock.

In the years to come, Wang believes that knowledge of robotics will become more ubiquitous, allowing more people to design and build their own robots. And he believes MakeBlock can help catalyze that process. ?In the future, there will be a lot of makers in the world,? Wang said. And with MakeBlock, ?there are no limits on the imagination or what you want to do.?

But for now, according to both Bernstein and Wang, the most important component of a consumer robot is simplicity. Allowing people to acclimate to using robots at home will allow the industry to move forward into a future in which robots play a much larger role, not only as entertainment devices, but as tools in our everyday lives.

This story was provided by TechNewsDaily, sister site to LiveScience.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Experts call off search for life in Antarctic lake

LONDON (AP) ? British scientists have called off the hunt for exotic life in an ice-bound Antarctic lake after their mission was hit by a technical hitch.

Researchers with the British Antarctic Survey had hoped to drill into Lake Ellsworth, which they believe has been frozen over for hundreds of thousands of years, in the hope of finding microbial life forms that might provide new insight into the evolution of life on Earth. They also hoped the lake floor's sediments might yield a new record of the Earth's climate.

But the project had to be called off following difficulties with drilling. A statement posted to the survey's website on Thursday said the operation had been canceled, and it was not clear if or when the scientists would try again.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

rosetrimble23: humbler shetland: roomaroger: Biology Syllabus ? So ...

If you?re encountered with biology syllabus assessment in that case he/she really needs to fully grasp the exact objectives to make sure that he/she are able to comprehend the objective. There are 3 well-known objectives concerning learning the field of biology which generally are to have practical knowledge with understanding, ability to actually deal with important information and resolve issues in conjunction with learning experimental skillsets as well as inspections.

The actual Biology Syllabus entails of scientific phenomena specifics hence these particular 3 important objectives are crucial for the main assessment procedure. A few other reasons for assessment are to be capable of making predictions, address issues, manipulate data and locate ideal sources to get knowledge acquisition.

19 December 2012 | Reference and Education


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Well, it?s officially over.

With an eight-game gap and one week of games left, MDS and yours truly disagree on only five games.? Which means that, even if MDS sweeps, I?ll still be three games ahead.? (Math continues to be my strong suit.)

Of course, if I sweep I?ll finish with a 13-game lead.? And based on the five disagreements, I think I will.

Read on to see our picks and our takes for the final week of the regular season.? It all re-sets to 0-0 for the playoffs, at which time MDS will have a chance to exact revenge.? Or to fail again.

Last week, I was 11-5 and MDS went 10-6.? For the year, I?m now at 157-82-1, good for 65.4 percent.? MDS is 149-90-1, which keeps him at 62.0 percent.

Buccaneers at Falcons

MDS?s take: The Falcons wrapped up home-field advantage throughout the NFC playoffs, but they say they?re playing to win in Week 17. They shouldn?t have much trouble winning against the Bucs, who have collapsed at the end of the season.

MDS?s pick: Falcons 34, Buccaneers 13.

Florio?s take:? The Bucs haven?t been the same team since they nearly beat the Falcons in Tampa.? The Falcons are still trying to prove that they?re one of the best teams in the league.

Florio?s pick:? Falcons 27, Buccaneers 17.

Jets at Bills

MDS?s take: Football fans, the Greg McElroy-Ryan Fitzpatrick quarterback matchup you?ve all been waiting for is finally here. Fitzpatrick will throw a couple of touchdown passes in what may be his final start in Buffalo.

MDS?s pick: Bills 20, Jets 10.

Florio?s take:? The Jets have folded the tents, even though the circus is still in town.? Buffalo celebrates the news of a new lease with a home win to end the season, just in time for plenty of changes.

Florio?s pick:? Bills 27, Jets 14.

Ravens at Bengals

MDS?s take: At first glance this might look like a big game, matching up two playoff teams. But with the Bengals locked into the No. 6 seed and the Ravens highly likely to end up with the No. 4 seed, neither of these teams has a lot to play for. I think the Ravens, however, will be a little more motivated to build on the momentum from last week?s win over the Giants and will take this one.

MDS?s pick: Ravens 21, Bengals 14.

Florio?s take:? This meaningless game has plenty of meaning for the Bengals, who need to convince themselves that they can beat the Ravens, in order to obtain the confidence that they can do something else they haven?t done in an even longer time ? win in the playoffs.

Florio?s pick:? Bengals 27, Ravens 20.

Bears at Lions

MDS?s take: In 2000, the Lions were 9-6 heading into Week 17 and needed only to beat the 4-11 Bears to make the playoffs. Instead, the Bears pulled the upset and Lions owner William Clay Ford cleaned house and began the disastrous Matt Millen era. This year it?s the 9-6 Bears who need to beat the 4-11 Lions to have a shot at the playoffs. I?ll take the Lions to get their revenge in an upset.

MDS?s pick: Lions 28, Bears 24.

Florio?s take:? Rodney Harrison declared while watching the Lions lose to the Falcons that Detroit?s body language suggests the Lions have quit.? The Bears haven?t.? Sometimes, it?s that easy.

Florio?s pick:? Bears 24, Lions 10.

Texans at Colts

MDS?s take: The Texans are playing for home-field advantage throughout the playoffs, while the Colts are already locked into the No. 5 seed in the AFC. Houston has more to play for and is a better team and will win this one going away.

MDS?s pick: Texans 36, Colts 17.

Florio?s take:? The Texans have never won in Indianapolis.? They need it this time more than ever.? But the Colts will have coach Chuck Pagano back, and even if the Colts leave so much on the field that it will make it harder to win in the playoffs, they?ll leave it all on the field to beat the Texans.

Florio?s pick:? Colts 27, Texans 23.

Packers at Vikings

MDS?s take: This is the biggest game played in Minnesota since Brett Favre led the Vikings to a divisional playoff win over the Cowboys three years ago. Unfortunately for Vikings fans, they?re hosting a Packers team that?s peaking at the right time. I like Aaron Rodgers to lead the Packers to a high-scoring win.

MDS?s pick: Packers 35, Vikings 27.

Florio?s take:? The Vikings are playing for a postseason berth.? The Packers are playing for a bye.? The Packers remain the better team, and they have every reason to demonstrate that on Sunday.? To the delight of the Bears.

Florio?s pick:? Packers 34, Vikings 21.

Dolphins at Patriots

MDS?s take: A win probably won?t be enough to earn New England a first-round playoff bye, but the Patriots will be motivated to try ? and to wash out the bad taste of back-to-back disappointing performances, in a loss to the 49ers and a close win over the Jaguars.

MDS?s pick: Patriots 41, Dolphins 14.

Florio?s take:? The Pats still have a crack at a bye.? That?s all the incentive they need to take out the Dolphins for the second time this month.

Florio?s pick:? Patriots 34, Dolphins 17.

Panthers at Saints

MDS?s take: It?s a meaningless game for both teams, but that doesn?t make it a bad game: Both of these teams have been playing good football in recent weeks, despite falling short of the playoffs. I like the Panthers to keep their winning streak going and make a statement that they?re a team to keep an eye on in 2013.

MDS?s pick: Panthers 24, Saints 21.

Florio?s take:? New Orleans is trying to finish on a high note.? And they are succeeding.

Florio?s pick:? Saints 34, Panthers 10.

Eagles at Giants

MDS?s take: The Eagles quit on Andy Reid months ago. The Giants have looked in the last couple weeks like they quit on Tom Coughlin. Both of these teams are slouching toward the end of the season, but the Giants have more to play for.

MDS?s pick: Giants 14, Eagles 10.

Florio?s take:? The Giants are playing for pride, along with a sliver of hope that they could make it to the playoffs if enough other teams lose.? If the Giants find a way in, there?s a pretty good chance they won?t lose again.

Florio?s pick:? Giants 27, Eagles 20.

Browns at Steelers

MDS?s take: This game is meaningless, and I?m tempted to pick the Browns on the theory that the Steelers will be feeling a hangover from their disappointing Week 16 loss. But the Browns have gone in the tank over the last couple of weeks, and at this point I?m not sure I?d pick them to win on the road against anyone.

MDS?s pick: Steelers 17, Browns 9.

Florio?s take:? The Browns haven?t swept the Steelers since 1988, 11 years before the current edition of the Browns was born.? With rampant changes looming in Cleveland, the Steelers still have enough gas in the tank to avoid getting punked by the franchise they?ve owned since 1999 (even though the Browns are now technically owned by a guy who still owns a chunk of the Steelers).

Florio?s pick:? Steelers 20, Browns 10.

Jaguars at Titans

MDS?s take: Last time the Titans suffered a humiliating blowout loss and were called out by their owner, they responded by winning the next game. I think they?ll do it again.

MDS?s pick: Titans 24, Jaguars 14.

Florio?s take:? Bud Adams isn?t happy with his coaching staff.? He?ll be slightly less unhappy after Sunday, but still unhappy enough to clean house.

Florio?s pick:? Titans 27, Jaguars 16.

Chiefs at Broncos

MDS?s take: Knowing they need to win in order to earn a first-round playoff bye, the Broncos will pound the Chiefs, who have nothing to play for other than the first pick in next year?s draft ? which Kansas City will earn by losing.

MDS?s pick: Broncos 27, Chiefs 10.

Florio?s take:? With 10 straight wins each by at least seven points, the Broncos could be the best team in the playoff field.? They?re definitely good enough to continue chasing a bye week.

Florio?s pick:? Broncos 34, Chiefs 10.

Raiders at Chargers

MDS?s take: With Norv Turner virtually assured of being fired after the game, his team will send him out a winner in an AFC West contest that doesn?t really matter for much of anything.

MDS?s pick: Chargers 24, Raiders 10.

Florio?s take:? Norv Turner has one last chance to change the owner?s mind.? It won?t matter.

Florio?s pick:? Chargers 24, Raiders 10.

Cardinals at 49ers

MDS?s take: San Francisco will shake off Sunday night?s thrashing in Seattle to clinch the NFC West.

MDS?s pick: 49ers 28, Cardinals 3.

Florio?s take:? The Niners are on the brink of squandering the NFC West title that we were ready to hand them back in September.? If they can?t beat the Cardinals and Brian Hoyer at home, San Fran doesn?t even deserve to be in the playoffs.

Florio?s pick:? 49ers 31, Cardinals 13.

Rams at Seahawks

MDS?s take: No one wants to play the Seahawks right now. They?re destroying everything in their paths. The Rams will be no different.

MDS?s pick: Seahawks 45, Rams 7.

Florio?s take:? The Seahawks, who lost their first round of NFC West games, have been exacting revenge in a big way.? They finish the job on Sunday.

Florio?s pick:? Seahawks 41, Rams 17.

Cowboys at Redskins

MDS?s take: In the biggest game of the day, the Cowboys will ride Tony Romo and Dez Bryant to a high-scoring win. I suspect that Robert Griffin III is hurting more than he?s letting on and won?t be able to move as effectively as he did in the Redskins? Thanksgiving win over the Cowboys. Dallas will take the NFC East crown.

MDS?s pick: Cowboys 31, Redskins 28.

Florio?s take:? For the second straight year, the NFC East title game returns to prime time in Week 17.? For the second straight year, the home team advances.? For the second straight year, the Cowboys come up short.

Florio?s pick:? Redskins 24, Cowboys 21.


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