Monday, December 31, 2012

United States Must Destroy All Obama Legislation?Like Rome?s Damnatio Memoriae & Bring Them To Justice!


A Public Condemnation of Barack is Needed to Set America Back on Course

United States Must Destroy All Obama Legislation?Like Rome?s Damnatio Memoriae

By?Kelly O?Connell

What in the name of Zeus does the GOP think it?s going to achieve by bargaining with Barack Obama and his socialist posse? Instead of pretending we have much in common, why don?t the Republicans get a clue and listen to the results of the last election, and heed Conservatism?and allow liberals to keep?listening to Prozac? It is time to use the ancient Roman act of?Damnatio Memoriae, or public condemnation, to bury old Barack along with all his self-indulgent and imbecilic decisions. The following article explores this option.

I. RomanDamnatio Memoriae?Act of Permanent Political Removal

The phrase ?Damnatio Memoriae? means ?posthumousdenigration.? It is a Latin phrase which loosely translates to historical censure, or to be blotted from the official record. The Romans did this punishment to the emperors they considered to be truly abysmal and worthy of the worst ends. This execration was more lowly than death because of the high esteem Romans paid to fame and immortality achieved through noble deeds. Egyptians also practiced a similar kind of posthumous denigration, as well as the?Holy Roman Church. The USSR also practiced this art with great vigor.

Classicist N.S. Gill?writes about this practice,

The Latin term?damnatio memoriae ?condemnation of the memory? is modern, but is used to describe a variety of ancient Roman processes dealing with individuals judged unfit to be members of a community. Such undesirables include traitors, would-be tyrants, and individuals who were enemies of Rome, according to Harriet I. Flowers. This posthumous dishonor was considered the worst that could be done to a former senator.

This act was done by an official vote of the senate, or also unofficially by another emperor?s whim, and then fulfilled through every manner available. For the person posthumously denigrated, their statues would be?destroyed or defaced, their?coinage melted down, paintings desecrated,?inscriptions from across the Empire defiled, and their?name blotted out of historical records.

Gill continues,

Acts subsumed under the rubric of ?damnatio memoriae? include scratching names and titles from inscriptions, defacing likenesses, banning the condemneds? wax masks from funerals, confiscation and destruction of the condemned man or woman?s writing, annulling of wills, marking the birthday of the condemned as a day of ill-omen, marking the anniversary of the condemned?s death with thanksgiving, mutilation of corpses, and more. The condemnations could be started by the Senate, the emperor, or the army.

Emperors who were historically?blotted from the official record included Caligula and Nero.

This?historical scrubbing of figures out of the public record was done by the USSR, not surprisingly. If a politician or military figure fell out with Stalin, or another leader, he could be totally?removed from every photograph or official record. This then?happened to Stalin himself, and Lenin?who had their statutes removed from many public places.

A very recent example of this type of historical censure have been seen in Canada where the?top Canadian military commander, Colonel Russell Williams, was found guilty of murdering two women, and abusing 88 others. The Canadian military decided not to simply recycle his old uniforms but?to burn them so as to never be worn by any other member. His crimes were of a?sexual fetishist nature, bringing great shame upon the military.

II. Purpose of Historical Erasure

Why was this historical censure done upon Roman emperors, the most powerful men in the ancient world? Classical Rome was a place which took great pride in doing things the right way. Public service, and especially elected office, was considered the high point of Roman existence, before the Empire was established. But to do things the wrong way was shameful and society felt a need to publicly address these evil deeds.Damnatio Memoriae was officially established after the Republic ended, but the idea behind it was in keeping with republican principles. The theory was that no scoundrel or criminal should be honored by history who attacks the very country which gives him fame, honor and sustenance. So let it be for Obama.

III. Damnatio Memoriae?of Obama: Ten Criteria

Principled reasons for canceling and reversing Obama legislation ought be done on the following grounds:

First, those decisions made against our Declaration and Constitution and laws.
Second, those choices?made in opposition to the?obvious will of the people, since ourDeclaration condemns this practice: ?Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed??
Third, acts which clearly go against the best interest of all Americans.
Fourth, choices aiding foreign governments at the cost of America or her allies.
Fifth, commands which elevate Islam over other religions. Let?s not forget we are at war with its radicals.
Sixth, acts which are simply unpatriotic.
Seventh, legislation which undermines our capitalist form of economy.
Eighth, choices that harm our armed services.
Ninth, declarations or acts that denigrate America.
Tenth, legislation which weaken America?s sovereignty in the interest of world bodies.

Following is a truncated list of laws and decisions by Obama & Administration that ought be stricken from the record. Plea feel free to add to this short number, as there are hundreds more.


A large majority want this bill completely eviscerated.?It is unconstitutional and willbadly damage the quality and access of American healthcare. A shocking?74% of doctors may quit medicine because of it.


TARP was an?unconstitutional taking of American funds, arbitrarily given to businesses without any accountability.

Detroit Bailout

Detroit car maker?bailout was an illegal buying of?private businesses with public fundswhich created de facto socialist results.


The Stimulus bill was?wasted funds not even invested in infrastructure, but doled out as tasty pork medallions to countless Democratic constituents, while a trillion dollars drain from our money supply.

Global Warming

Despite the science behind this idea being?utterly exposed as fraudulent, Obama resolutely still attempts to address it legally. He might as well demand laws to protect Little Bo Peep, while he?s at it.

Cap & Trade

This legislation would?wildly prune America?s economy, done in the name of an already failed Global Warming theory. It is really a?global Marxist ruse to redistribute wealth. The?UN admits it?s socialism.

Cancels NASA?S Mission Then Dedicate it to Islam

Why fly to the moon when you can?advertise for Mohammad, instead?!!

Suing States While Ignoring Border Chaos

Who?s more dangerous to America?armed illegals or the?states trying to stop them?

Obama Attacks Our Allies & Helps Our Enemies

Hating on Britain while?turning a blind eye on Iran.

Absurd Decision Making on Gulf Oil Spill

Obama disappeared when crisis came. But that?s OK?it?s his MO!

Disappears While WikiLeaks Hemorrhages State Secrets

Obama can?threaten to kick BP?s ##### but not?little Julian Assange? Clueless!

Insulting America in Foreign Countries

America is so bad?Barack must escape the continent to then?rat us out to other countries.

Taking Great Pains to Honor Islam

Obama apparently loves Islam, but need he?shove it down our throats?, including the9/11 Mosque?

Huge Mistakes With the Housing Crisis

When it came to the mortgage crisis,?Obama made it worse.

Inexplicably Setting a Course for Years of Ruinous Deficits

Obama does not understand economics, proved by his?choosing decades of trillion dollar deficits.

Picking Winners & Losers Between Loyal Americans

Obama told Hispanics that?Conservatives are their enemies and so must be punished.

Insisting America?s Time of Greatness is Over

So Americans elected Obama to fly around the globe announcing?America?s best days are behind us?

Trying to Establish a Foundation for a Socialist Country

Has there been any decision by Obama that has not involved spending more money orgrowing the government larger?

Many Broken Promises

Here are a few?

IV. Good Effects of Obama?s Historical Public Damnation

We cannot wipe out anyone?s existence in the US like was done in ancient Rome, or during the communist regime of the USSR. But we can decisively repudiate the lawless reign of tin-horn tyrant Barack Obama by canceling all of his horrible legislation.

But is this really necessary, anyway? Wasn?t Obama chastened by the last election results? In a word, No! Contra?because, at some level?to save the standards in this country, a public repudiation must be done in some manner, to reestablish democracy, capitalism, the Bill of Rights, and American sovereignty. In other words, teaching future would-be tyrants that America is the land of the free and home of the brave; not the place of brainless imposters who would be depots, is a lesson we desperately need to establish today.

V. Condemning Obama?s Particular Sins

In particular, the Obama legacy must be challenged, including running a campaign that received hundreds of millions in anonymous global funds over the Internet, a tawdry fact never investigated. Campaign irregularities involving ACORN were also observed across the US, some of which helped catapult Al Franken into office for Barack?s supermajority, used for Obamacare. Obama also employed a remarkable barrage of lies to help himself enter office, Chicago style.

Barack must also be condemned for his insipid ?Cabinet,? a staff of leftist toadies nearly as incompetent as he. Elfish Tim Geithner is a prime example, as well as the rodent-like and spectacularly condescending David Axelgrease. Add ham-fisted media-bear spokesperson Bobby Gibbs, and Rahm ?Ram-Beau? Emanuel, ballet student turned politician. All of these come to mind as outlandish misfits. Too bad town square stockades and public floggings are out of style.

Three major flaws of Obama?s present themselves when considering a need for public censure of this colossal misfit: Honesty, Competence and Orientation. First, Barack has such a problem telling the truth that at some point we must suspect he probably doesn?t understand the concept, for starters. For this he needs psychiatric evaluation.

Second, in no possible universe does Barack even begin to measure up to the most basic level of competence for his role as leader. So the 900 pound donkey in the room is?Why did Obama even decide to run for president??Even he admitted he was utterly unqualified by reason of education and experience. Not only was Obama unfit to lead when elected?doesn?t it seem like he has actually devolved since his ascension? It?s time to put down the golf bag and basketball and start studying world history, economics, American constitutional development, and many other subjects for this lazy vagabond of a POTUS.

The most worrisome aspect of Obama?s worldview, believe it or not, is not his dishonesty or incompetence?but his political orientation. Why does everything have to be leftism, socialism or communism to slake his avaricious leadership style? He?s like a robot programmed by Marx, used to deliver pamphlets for the ACLU.


Let?s throw Obama out of office and begin the enjoyable task of a total repudiation of his Marxist agenda. If anything will get the attention of progressive Americans who are bizarrely trying to torpedo their own ship, this action will do the trick.

Every one of the above bad laws and decisions was fomented by obdurate Obama, either through ignorance, ill-will, or red-eyed Marxist fervor. There are so many bad decisions by Barack, and so few good, he cannot simply be treated as another failed leftist president. He must be singled out as almost uniquely wicked, publicly condemned and shamed into permanent exile. Otherwise, how else will our children learn to oppose misuse of public offices and funds, while detesting smooth liars?

Publicly condemning Obama is no different than any other kind of calling out wickedly unacceptable public behavior. Barack needs to be disciplined and put in his place just like the bully on the block collecting other kid?s lunch money. Unless the bad politicians of America see Obama put in his place decisively after his giant folly, it will only embolden them, and then we truly will have hell to pay.



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