Monday, December 17, 2012

Eighty per cent of Russians and CIS Citizens ... - Forex Trading Hot

  • Survey disproves the idea that Russian and CIS citizens are not
    interested in trading FX
  • Results identify top ten reasons and motivations Russian and CIS
    citizens give in order to trade FX

MOSCOW , Dec. 13, 2012 /CNW/ ? The three top reasons consumers gave in order to trade FX:

  1. They want a guarantee of their legal interests being protected by law or
  2. They want clearer information on potential returns and the opportunity
    for better returns
  3. They want clarity on their trading activity, especially trading


Independent research[1] commissioned by FOREX CLUB, a leading online broker[2], has shown that most Russia Federation and CIS citizens surveyed would
try ? or return to ? forex (FX) trading. ?Out of the ten top reasons
they gave for doing so, the first was a guarantee that their consumer
interests would be protected by law or regulation, the second highest
ranked reason given was and more transparent trading execution were
rated the second and third most important issues to them in trading FX.

The research, based on interviews with 2,000 consumers in Russia and
three CIS countries, also found that a third of all people would choose
currency trading to boost their household income. ?This means that
nearly four out of five (78%) of those interviewed said they would
consider trying foreign currency trading in the next 12 months, as long
as they were well-trained and there was no risk of losing money while
they were learning to trade.

Contrary to apparently popular ? but certainly unsubstantiated ? views
in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, FOREX CLUB?s independently commissioned research shows there is a clear appetite by many Russian and CIS
citizens for FX trading. ?The research also shows that consumers want
more action taken in the FX industry to improve the level of
transparency, information, education about trading and proficiency of
regulatory measures in Russia and CIS.

  1. Research commissioned by FOREX CLUB and conducted by Vision Critical
    Research from 10-17 May 2012. ?Sample size 2,000 respondents: 400 from
    Belarus , 300 from Kazakhstan and 650 from both Ukraine and across the
    Russian Federation. Respondents were adults all earning a minimum of 30
    000 RUR per month, per one member of the family.
  2. FOREX CLUB was ranked number 10 out of the 44individually named global
    brokers by retail forex volume in Forex Magnates? Q3 2012 Industry

Vladimir Kozlov, CEO of FOREX CLUB Group of Companies, commented: ?This research challenges and frankly disproves any claim that citizens
in the Russian Federation and CIS countries don?t want to trade FX.
?Clearly consumers want more to be done ? and seen to be done ? on
regulation and on their wish to see clearer information on trading
returns, greater transparency in trading execution and an improvement
on returns. ?At FOREX CLUB we?re have long been fully committed to
delivering on these. ?We also think it?s vital that the FX industry as
a whole focuses on measures to help address these issues ? all brokers
should be doing everything we possibly can to support local markets and
governments to resolve them.?

Survey Results

Source: Vision Critical Research for FOREX CLUB, May 2012

Ways in Which FOREX CLUB delivers on Consumers? Expectations

Expectation No. 1: More Legal Protection: FOREX CLUB is also a long-term advocate of improved regulation and
adheres to strict legal requirements for its trading businesses,
including LLC FOREX CLUB, is licenced by the Russian Federation?s
Federal Service for Financial Markets, as a stock broker, futures and
options transactions in stock trading (licence number 1564), and it
provides clients with legal protection accordance with Russian law.Our
Russian broker, LLC FOREX CLUB, is also a founding member of CRFIN, the Russian self-regulatory organisation, whose mission is to
establish effective mechanisms to regulate the forex market to promote
transparency, civility, usability and security interests of all market

Expectation No. 2: Clearer Information on Potential Returns and Prospect
of Better Returns:
FOREX CLUB provides all of its clients with institutional-level
capabilities to help clients maximise their trading. ?Strategic
partnerships with First Derivatives and oneZero Financial Systems, both world-class financial technology providers that provide services
to top tier banks and other financial institutions, mean that clients
can access industry-best execution, best pricing and best speeds on all
of their trades.

Expectation No. 3: More Transparent Trading Execution:

FOREX CLUB, through their partnership with First Derivatives and oneZero
Financial, has deployed a market access model for MT4 that has become a
standard among brokers offering interbank liquidity through the MT4
platform. Client trades are matched against the best available
real-time market price for each execution across a vast range of
institutional liquidity relationships. ?This model not only provides
the best execution to clients but also is a highly transparent means of
verifying tradable rates and improving execution for clients. Brokers
employing this model across the industry have seen a 99%+ trade
execution rate for client trades, in addition to improved LIMIT trade
execution and minimized slippage on market orders. In addition, the
proven scalability of oneZero and First Derivatives creates the
potential for 10,000+ trades/s handling from the MT4, which pushes the
limits of the platform itself even for an enterprise level integration.

Other Ways in Which FOREX CLUB Supports Client Expectations

Improved Regulation and Trading Standards: The Russian broker, LLC FOREX CLUB, is a founding member of CRFIN, the Russian self-regulatory organisation to promote greater and more
effective regulation of the FX industry. ?LLC FOREX CLUB was
established to provide Russian traders ? both individuals and legal
entities ? with an opportunity to trade in the forex market in full
compliance with the Russian law. The operations of LLC FOREX CLUB are
organised in accordance with the established norms of corporate
governance and reporting, and are based on the principles of
information transparency, integrity, and reliability for respective
individuals and legal entities.

More Educational-based and User-Friendly Websites/Platforms: As a market leader in Russia and CIS, FOREX CLUB also has STARTFX2, its own proprietary and very easy-to-use STARTFX 2 trading platform
for every consumer, including those completely inexperienced in the
skills and knowledge of trading. ?STARTFX 2 has been especially
developed for anyone completely new to trading, who would like
education built-in to their trading activities, as well as access to
risk-free, cost-free practice accounts. ?Both the real and practice
accounts provide clients with step-by-step guidance on every single
trade and what each single stage of every trade means.

Comprehensive Educational Services in Trading, Tools and Strategies: FOREX CLUB is arguably the global FX market leader in providing
educational services for forex, CFDs and other trading, including tools
and strategies, through its partner, the International Academy of Investments and Trading. ?It is certainly the strongest leader and most well-established leader
of such services in the Russian language and across the Russian
Federation and CIS, as the Academy has provided education in trading
since 1997.In 2011, over 45,000 traders chose to learn forex trading
with us. FOREX CLUB was one of the industry?s first to offer zero
spread trading and commission refunds on all unprofitable trades.

About FOREX CLUB Group of Companies

For more information about FOREX CLUB, please click on this link.



please contact Robert White, Global Head of PR, FOREX CLUB, +44-203-286-4694,?


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