Thursday, January 31, 2013

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SpaceX to launch AMOS-6 - Broadband TV News

Spacecom has confirmed SpaceX as the launch partner for the new AMPS-6 communications satellite.

The craft is scheduled for a Falcon 9 launch vehicle in mid-2015 and will replace AMOS-2 at the 4 degrees West orbital slit.

It is anticipated that AMOS-6 will expand coverage into Western Europe and parts of Africa, supplementing the existing coverage in Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East coverage. The new 9KW satellite will offer 39 Ku-band segments and 24 Ka-band broadband beams to provide a wide array of services. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is responsible for planning, manufacturing, preparing for launch and providing ground control operations for AMOS-6.

?We are excited to partner with SpaceX and its tremendous team. AMOS-6 will be larger and stronger than AMOS-2 and AMOS-3 combined, and signals a new age for Spacecom,? commented David Pollack, president and CEO of Spacecom. ?As we establish our position as a global satellite operator providing more services and capacity, AMOS-6 will be a key element of our business strategy and future.?

SpaceX?s Falcon 9 is a medium-to-heavy lift, two-stage launch vehicle capable of lifting approximately 11 tons to low Earth orbit (LEO) and in excess of 4.5 tons to GTO. Designed to the highest levels of reliability and performance, Falcon 9, along with SpaceX?s Dragon spacecraft, was selected by NASA to resupply the International Space Station starting in 2010.


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Nexus 4 smartphones back on Google Play in Germany, get 'em while they're hot

STUB Google Announcement

If the Nexus 4's recent scarcity has been making you want it even more, there's good news: it's now back on Google Play shelves. After a lengthy shortage resulted in a minor finger-pointing episode between Mountain View and manufacturer LG, the pair have starting restocking the popular quad-core, Android 4.2-pure device, on Play, well ahead of LG's February estimate. So far, it's only popped up in Germany, and there's no word yet on when they'll arrive elsewhere. Given the pent-up demand, however, you may want to grab one when it does.

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Source: Google Play


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"Home Energy Score for Real Estate Professionals" online course ...

This thread is dedicated exclusively for those students currently enrolled in the InterNACHI online course titled, "Home Energy Score for Real Estate Professionals."

The goal of this course is to teach real estate professionals about the Department of Energy's Home Energy Score and how it helps homeowners understand the energy performance of their homes and how they compare to other homes nationwide.


Upon successful completion of this course, the real estate professional will be able to:

  • describe the information Home Energy Score provides;
  • state the type of house data required to be collected in order to generate a Home Energy Score;
  • communicate to homeowners the energy efficiency upgrades that are recommended by the Home Energy Score.
And, in keeping with InterNACHI's commitment to Continuing Education, this course is open and free to all members, and can be taken again and again, without limit.

Students are free to pose questions and comments here and join in the conversation with other students. The thread will be monitored by the course instructor.

Contact: Director of Education, Ben Gromicko

Other inspector training courses:

To find a Certified Home Energy Inspector?, visit

Thank you.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stable fisher population found in the Southern Sierra Nevada

Jan. 28, 2013 ? After experiencing years of population decline on the West Coast, a recent study examining fisher populations found that -- at least in the southern Sierra Nevada -- the animal's numbers appear to be stable.

Scientists from the U.S. Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW) and the Pacific Southwest Region collaborated to monitor the distribution of fishers across a 7,606-square-mile area in the southern Sierra Nevada. They used baited track-plate stations -- an enclosure where the fisher leaves a sooted track print as it walks through -- at 223 locations across three national forests. Over an eight-year period, from 2002-2009, they found that the fisher population in the southern Sierra Nevada neither increased nor decreased.

The findings are relatively good news for the cat-sized relative of the weasel family. The forest-dwelling fisher (Martes pennanti) once lived throughout most of the mountains in northern California and the Sierra Nevada, and in the Rocky Mountains, Cascades and Coast ranges. But many populations were eliminated or declined due to commercial trapping and clear-cut timber harvesting. Fishers have been reintroduced at a few locations in the western U.S., but only two native populations -- both centered in California -- remain. The small population of fishers in the southern Sierra has been estimated, by other methods, to be approximately 250 individuals.

"This study is encouraging in that it demonstrates that we can monitor a fisher population over a large area, with simple methods," said Bill Zielinski, a PSW research ecologist who coordinated the analysis of the research data. "It is also encouraging that we did not discover a decreasing trend in the population, but eight years is a relatively short period."

Zielinski noted that given the short time period of this study, the effects of Forest Service management actions to protect fishers and their habitat cannot yet be fully assessed. Further study, over a longer time period is necessary to fully understand the efficacy of these conservation measures. Other factors unrelated to habitat, including road kill and the illegal use of rodenticides which poison the fishers, must also be considered when evaluating the population.

"We hope that we can continue to monitor the fisher, so that we can witness an increase in the population as public and private groups collaborate to institute measures to protect them from various threats," he said.

PSW statistician James Baldwin, along with collaborators Richard Truex, Jody Tucker and Patricia Flebbe from the Pacific Southwest Region, contributed to the study.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by USDA Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Research Station.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. William J. Zielinski, James A. Baldwin, Richard L. Truex, Jody M. Tucker, Patricia A. Flebbe. Estimating Trend in Occupancy for the Southern Sierra Fisher Martes pennanti Population. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 2012; : 130110154719009 DOI: 10.3996/012012-JFWM-002

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Warm weather paves path for tornadoes in Southeast

So far there have been reported twisters and some damage as temperatures soar to springtime levels. But behind that front is another shot of frigid cold, and the threat of tornadoes. Weather Channel Meteorologist Mike Seidel reports.

By Isolde Raftery, Staff Writer, NBC News

It's an unusual time of year for tornado warnings, but given the warm temperatures in the southeastern U.S., forecasters are warning residents to beware of strong wind gusts overnight and into Wednesday.?

The National Weather Service says the following areas are most at risk: Much of Arkansas, southern Illinois, extreme southwestern Indiana, western Kentucky, northern Louisiana, parts of southern Missouri, parts of northern Mississippi, extreme southeastern Oklahoma, western Tennessee, extreme northeastern Texas.?

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Additionally, The Weather Channel?gave a 50 percent chance of seeing a tornado in Alabama.

Temperatures are about 22 to 26 degrees above average, according to, and damaging wind gusts of 70 to 80 mph are predicted south from Biloxi, Miss. east to the Virginia. On the periphery of those wind gusts, isolated, spin-up tornadoes may form. ?

The Weather Channel warns that the combination of strong winds -- in some areas up to 150 mph --?could result in straight-line wind damage and prime conditions for tornadoes to form.?

The weather service said the threat for severe thunderstorms will increase through Tuesday night in advance of a strong cold front moving across the central U.S.?

State and local emergency managers are on watch, the weather service said.


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Analysis: For Republicans, a world turned "upside down" on immigration

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - What a difference one brutally disappointing election can make.

At this time last year, Republican U.S. presidential contenders were competing to act tough on immigration to win favor with the party's conservative base.

Eventual nominee Mitt Romney led the way by advocating "self-deportation" - a plan that essentially called on the government to make life so miserable for the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants, most of whom are Hispanics, that many would leave on their own.

But since Democratic President Barack Obama's decisive victory over Romney in November with the support of more than seven in 10 Hispanic voters, the game has changed.

Many Republicans now see gaining favor with the fast-growing Hispanic voting bloc, which accounts for 10 percent of the U.S. electorate and is growing, as a matter of political survival.

Some remain critical of any plan that would give illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. But next-generation Republican leaders - including Florida Senator Marco Rubio, 41, a favorite of the conservative Tea Party movement - are desperate to remove the issue as a liability for the party.

That is why a plan announced on Monday by a bipartisan group of eight U.S. senators including Rubio is widely seen as the best hope in years for a comprehensive immigration overhaul - even though it is similar to a 2007 plan that was shot down by conservative Republicans despite being backed by Republican President George W. Bush.

But now, "the politics on this issues have turned upside down," said New York Democrat Chuck Schumer, another senator in the bipartisan group crafting the immigration plan.

"For the first time ever, there is more political risk in opposing immigration reform than in supporting it," Schumer said.


Compared with the bitter, uncompromising politics that have clouded Capitol Hill in recent years, the news conference held by the senators on Monday was practically a festival of love.

There was Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona - who lost the presidential race to Obama in 2008 and is a frequent critic of the administration - heaping praise on the Democratic president for supporting immigration reform.

There was Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, giving credit to Bush for backing immigration changes when many Republicans did not.

During the news conference, Rubio and Democrat Robert Menendez of New Jersey, another member of the group, made a point of explaining parts of their plan in Spanish, a symbolic reach-out to those who could be affected by it.

The changed dynamic on immigration reflected how "the election was a real wake-up call to Republicans. They have had their eyes opened on Hispanics," said Steven Schier, a political scientist at Carleton College in Minnesota.

Asked why he thought this immigration bill might succeed, McCain said: "Elections. The Republican Party is losing the support of our Hispanic citizens."

Republican strategist Ana Navarro said McCain - whose state borders Mexico and is about 30 percent Hispanic - could be an important voice to other Republicans on the immigration bill.

"Nobody can talk to other Republicans with the authority that John McCain can about what it means to move the Latino vote," Navarro said.


The group of senators behind the immigration plan - which also includes Republicans Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Democrat Michael Bennet of Colorado - said they hoped for quick action.

But even if successful, Congress' revamping of the immigration system is likely to take most of 2013. Congress also will be wrestling with budget issues and Obama's ambitious gun-control proposals in the next few months.

"Today is an important first step in what is going to be a significant and complicated journey," Rubio said.

The plan would create what the senators called a "tough but fair" path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants after undefined improvements to border security and a crackdown on people who have overstayed their visas.

The plan faces some hurdles in the Senate. But the big question will be whether it can clear the Republican-led House of Representatives, which is dominated by conservatives adamantly opposed to anything resembling "amnesty" for illegal immigrants.

One rising star among House conservatives - Paul Ryan, the Budget Committee chairman who was Romney's vice presidential nominee - already has voiced support for Rubio's immigration efforts. Others seem to be loading up to attack such a plan.

"When you legalize those who are in the country illegally, it costs taxpayers millions of dollars, costs American workers thousands of jobs and encourages more illegal immigration," Representative Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican, said in a statement.

Many conservatives said they would wait for the final proposal, which will be developed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said the final measure will require far more input than it has received so far.

"All members must have an opportunity to debate and amend any legislation that comes to the floor. This effort is too important to be written in a back room and sent to the floor with a take-it-or-leave-it approach," McConnell said. "It needs to be done on a bipartisan basis and include ideas from both sides of the aisle."

Groups that oppose easing the immigration restrictions blasted the plan and predicted that it would meet the same fate as the 2007 bill.

"We expect that once the American public learns of the details of this proposal, and comes to recognize that it will do nothing to fix the problems of our broken immigration system, it will meet with the same overwhelmingly negative response that it received in 2007," said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

But backers of a comprehensive immigration plan said there was a new mood of optimism in their ranks.

"The histrionics and demagoguery on immigration have died down, at least for now," said Fergus Cullen, a former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party who has launched an immigration reform group.

"There seems to be a different attitude," Cullen said.

(Additional reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by David Lindsey and Will Dunham)


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Establishing Meaningful Relationships Later in Life | Chicago Bridge

Posted on January 29th, 2013 by Emily Mysel in Field of Aging

Establishing Meaningful Relationships Later in Life

My 86?grandmother recently returned from an excursion to Las Vegas to celebrate New Year?s with her boyfriend and?this week?they are?headed?to Aruba.? Her schedule is filled with taking classes at the senior center,? Mah-jong, lunch and dinner dates and Saturday Costco trips.? When she talks about her boyfriend, her smile shines bright. My grandfather passed away 21 years ago at the age of 65, and?my grandmother has been fotunate enough to develop a meaningful relationship with another man.??My work in the field of aging has only?enhanced the respect I have for the relationships my grandmother has mantained after my grandfather?s passing.

Older Adults and the Importance of Relationships

As our clients age, they experience many losses, especially after a death of a spouse. The loss of a spouse means the loss of companionship, both physical and emotional.?For many of our clients, their social connections diminish when companions and friends pass away which can lead to depression and isolation.

In response to these losses, there is a growing trend of older people falling in love, living together and even marrying each other later in life. Unfortunately, this trend seems to make people uncomfortable.? Our society is more comfortable when older adults care for grandchildren and play Bingo rather than to hold hands, date and have sex.? People are more likely to joke about?this kind of affection rather than talk truthfully and honestly about the reality of older adults? emotional and physical needs.? Relationships and sex among older adults have always been viewed as ?taboo.?? But as we age, our need for connection does not disappear. Yet, older adults continue to have desires; their romantic and intimate relationships are similar to their younger counterparts.

The Family?s View Point

For many families, it?s difficult to see their 89 year old mothers or fathers date again. Some families are concerned that a prospective partner may be a gold digger or may not look out for the best interest of their loved one. Yet, some families are supportive of this new chapter in their parents? lives. Some families are helping their parents with on-line dating sites. My grandmother was set up with her boyfriend by a mutual friend, and my entire family has been so grateful that she?s met such a compatible companion. You?re never too old to make friends or to fall in love.

Some ways for older adults to meet companions include;

  • Volunteering
  • Traveling
  • Participating in community programs i.e. Senior Centers and Religious Organizations.
  • Exercise classes like Yoga and card games
  • Reconnecting with old friends and family members.

Thanks to Martha Tierney for editing this post. And, thank you to my grandmother for?allowing?me use the picture from my wedding to illustrate how meaningful relationships can be established later in life.

This post was written by:

Emily Mysel - who has written 1 posts on Chicago Bridge.

Emily received her Bachelor?s in Psychology from Miami University of Ohio and her Master?s in Social Work from UIC Jane Addams. She currently works as the Manager/Social Worker for the Friend Center for Weinberg Community for Senior Living. Emily was the Communications Director for the Chicago Bridge from 2011-2012.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Small Business Story: Just Wanna Melt Skincare Products and The ...

When Misty Rawls started making skincare products in the kitchen of her log cabin home, she certainly had no idea that just a few short years later, she?d be seeing her products in retail stores and working with customers all across the country.

She started making her products because she had a personal need for all-natural skin care. As a nurse, she found she was allergic to some of the ingredients in products she was using, and wanted to find a solution.

After perfecting her products (and at the urging of friends and family who?d had a chance to try them), Misty started selling her lotion bars, shower scrub bars and lip balms at a local farmers market on the campus of the University of South Carolina.? As luck would have it, Misty?s business became the target of a business class project. ?It was definitely a case of being at the right place at the right time,? she says.

A group of students ?adopted? Just Wanna Melt, developing marketing and business plans, and even creating a new design for her product labels. And with that, business took off. Her products are now sold online and at a variety of local farmers markets, retail shops and even local Whole Foods locations.

Tim and Jane IveyA one-woman operation, Misty relies on Tim and Jane Ivey, owners of her local The UPS Store in Lexington, South Carolina, for a variety of business needs ? from printing her labels and marketing flyers, to creating display signs for her retail locations and banners for her booths.? She also works with them to ship her bulk orders. ?They really go above and beyond for whatever I need,? she said. ?I have a great relationship with them. They?re very supportive of my business, and I really like the camaraderie I feel working so closely with them.?

Misty?s making us blush?but we really do like having a close relationship with all of our customers. If you have a great partnership with your local The UPS Store, let us know in the comments, and we might feature your business next!? And see what The UPS Store can do for your small business.


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Stresx capsules work as the best herbal medicine for treatment of high blood pressure by providing benefits which prevent complications of hypertension. These capsules improve cardio-vascular health and maintain lipid profiles by lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides levels and raising HDL. These capsules also prevent clot formation and plaque deposition in arteries to improve blood circulation; these also increase nourishment to all organs and provide necessary support to the body.

People suffering with high stress and anxiety over a period of time develop problem of high blood pressure, Stresx capsules work as the best herbal medicine for treatment of high blood pressure by relieving stress, calming tense mind and promoting mental clarity. Regular course of Stresx capsules bring blood pressure within healthy limits naturally and enhance bodily functions to keep it under control on its own later. Stresx capsules are purely herbal and made by using herbs in their purest form, these do not contain any artificial or synthetic substances hence are safe and suitable for person of any age. These capsules can be taken without medical prescription and do not contradict with any ongoing treatment.

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Europe gives 2bn euros to science

Research projects investigating the "miracle material" graphene and the human brain have won unprecedented funding of up to 1bn euros each.

Under the European Commission's Future and Emerging Technologies programme, the backing is designed to give Europe an edge in key areas of research.

Graphene - a single-layer of carbon atoms - has extraordinary properties which give it immense potential.

Possible applications include flexible electronics and lighter aircraft.

The Human Brain Project will attempt to build a computer-based copy of a human brain to understand neurological disorders and the effects of drugs.

Both projects involve researchers in dozens of institutes across Europe and will receive the funding over a ten-year period. They include the scientists who first developed graphene at the University of Manchester, UK.

The two fields of novel materials and brain research are described as fulfilling the criteria for the funding by being "ambitious and risky" while promising large returns.

The backing is meant to answer the criticism that Europe lags behind more dynamic competitors such as the United States and China in economic growth and scientific research.

By focusing the funding on two key areas, the hope is that a "critical mass" can be achieved which will give Europe an edge in technologies vital to future economic development.

Patent race

Last month the BBC reported on the race to secure patents on graphene and how, despite the UK's early lead, China was now leading the field with the South Korean electronics giant Samsung holding nearly ten times more patents than Britain as a whole.

Graphene is far stronger than steel, more conductive than copper and more flexible than rubber so it could potentially open up entirely new avenues for manufacturing, consumer products and medical devices.

The material, so thin it effectively has just two dimensions, was first isolated by two Russian-born scientists, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, at the University of Manchester, work that earned them a Nobel Prize and knighthoods.

The European Commission vice-president Neelie Kroes, announcing the funding in Brussels today, said that it "rewards homegrown scientific breakthroughs".

"So, you've heard of Silicon Valley," she said.

"Where in Europe wants to be known as 'Graphene Valley'? That's the billion-euro question I am putting to you today."

The graphene funding will be spread across 126 academic and industrial research groups. It will be coordinated by Professor Jari Kinaret of Chalmers University of Technology at Gothenburg in Sweden who has stressed that it not attempt to match competitors in all areas.

"For example, we don't intend to compete with Korea on graphene screens," he said, a reference to Samsung's determined effort to lead the market in flexible electronic screens and e-paper. However graphene production - still not achieved on an affordable and industrial scale - is in the project's sights.

Profs Geim and Novoselov will play a leading role in guiding the collaborative effort.

Think big

Meanwhile the Human Brain Project will attempt to simulate the trillions of neural connections that make up a human brain in an effort to comprehend how the organ functions.

With an ageing European population, brain disorders, while becoming a more important feature of healthcare, remain poorly understood.

The Commission explains that the Human Brian Project will "collect the masses of clinical data available, mining for biological patterns, leading to new ways of diagnosing and classifying brain diseases."

The sheer volume of data involved in modelling the brain will itself lead to "radically new" IT with new computer technologies designed to manage the flow.

A further angle will be to explore how the brain manages such an intense workload with a relatively tiny power supply - "no more power than a light bulb". Understanding this could lead, it's hoped, to an entirely new way of powering energy-hungry supercomputer systems.

At a time of austerity across Europe and criticism of the European Commission's own budget, officials are emphasising the potential value of the funding for nurturing the kind of research that can produce an economic spin-off.

A key test will be how effectively the initial grants of 54m euros are handled. Beyond that, the precise level of future funding, which is meant to include contributions from industry, is still being negotiated.

Follow David on Twitter.


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More than 300 barges delayed by Mississippi River closure

(Reuters) - More than 300 barges were awaiting passage through a closed section of the Mississippi River near Vicksburg, Mississippi, on Monday, a day after two tanker barges struck a railroad bridge and one leaked an unknown amount of oil into the river.

The river was closed between river mile markers 425 and 441 and a queue of 12 northbound vessels containing 142 barges and 12 southbound vessels containing 162 barges was waiting to pass on Monday morning, Coast Guard spokesman Carlos Vega said.

The cleanup could keep the river closed until at least Thursday, shipping sources said.

Barge freight costs were not immediately affected but bids firmed for loaded barges of soybeans down river from the closure.

"The timetable right now is that we don't expect it to reopen until at least Thursday," said one barge broker who asked not to be named.

"Freight buying interest has been very soft lately so it's not changing anything in the freight market today. The only thing it is doing is making some soybeans south of that closure worth a little more," he said.

Basis bids for afloat soybean barges in the CIF (cost, insurance and freight) market rose 2 cents per bushel to 112 cents over Chicago Board of Trade March futures, a 7-cent premium to barges loaded in the first half of February.

The cause of Sunday's accident was not yet clear, but the closure was the latest in a string of logistical headaches for shippers who rely on inland waterways to haul billions of dollars worth of grain, coal, fertilizer and other commodities.

Low water along a busy shipping corridor between St. Louis and Cairo, Illinois, has threatened to disrupt traffic on the drought-drained river since December. Dredging operations and other work aimed at keeping barges flowing have also snarled traffic at times.

The river system's busiest lock was closed for a day last week after a barge collided with a lock gate.

The Mississippi River is the main shipping waterway for grain moving from farms in the Midwest to export facilities at the Gulf of Mexico. Some 55 to 65 percent of U.S. corn, soybean and wheat shipments exit the country via the Gulf of Mexico.

(Reporting by Karl Plume in Chicago; Editing by Bob Burgdorfer)


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Cancer network benefits from student's efforts | TribLIVE

Elizabeth Forward sixth-grader Alexis Korenosky presents a check to Don Furko of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network while gifted support teacher Lois Leggett, left, and Janice Korenosky look on. Cindy Shegan Keeley | Daily News

By Carol Waterloo Frazier

Published: Sunday, January 27, 2013, 9:00?p.m.
Updated 57 minutes ago

When Alexis Korenosky had to do a project for her Gifted And Talented Education class to raise money for an organization, the decision was easy.

?I was thinking of my Pap and I wanted to do something to make a difference and that was important to me,? the Elizabeth Forward sixth-grader said. ?My Pap died of pancreatic cancer so I wanted to raise money for that.?

She first thought of having a walk-a-thon but her gym teacher suggested a dance-a-thon, which is what she did but with a twist ? it was a Wii dance-a-thon.

The Nov. 12 ?Dance for Pancreatic Cancer? also had a Chinese auction and bake sale.

?It was pretty hard to put together,? she said of the project. ?I was worried at first that no one would come, but we had so many people. I couldn?t believe it.?

Her hard work paid off and last week she presented a check for $609 to Don Furko, affiliate coordinator for the Pittsburgh Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Middle school principal Mike Routh was impressed with Alexis? project.

?I really never saw kids have such a great time. Some kids you wouldn?t think would take part in something like that did. It was an awesome event and we need to do more things like that,? Routh said.

Gifted support teacher Lois Leggett said she encourages the students to devise a business plan for a project. ?This really meant something to Alexis and it showed in what all she did.?

Janice Korenosky said she is proud of her daughter.

?She was very close to my dad, who died of pancreatic cancer three years ago in February,? Janice Korenosky said. ?This was very important to her and she really did a lot of work. I think this really helped our family because we were able to do something to raise more awareness of pancreatic cancer.?

Janice Korenosky said her father was never sick. He was diagnosed with diabetes first then he became jaundiced and that?s when doctors discovered the cancer. ?He lived for a year after he was diagnosed. He was 71 when he died,? she said.

Furko said his father also died of pancreatic cancer ? 55 days after being diagnosed and not long after being diagnosed with diabetes.

?My dad was always about 205 pounds but he experienced severe weight loss that could not be explained. The cancer wasn?t diagnosed until he experienced pain,? Furko said.

Citing how deadly pancreatic cancer is, Furko said the survival rate five years after diagnosis is 6 percent, the lowest of all cancers. The first-year survival rate is 25 percent.

This year, he said, 44,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and 37,000 will die.

?The number that will die of this cancer this year is about how many people will fit in PNC Park,? Furko said. ?We hope to double the survival rate by 2020.?

Furko said there appears to be a link between being diagnosed with diabetes after age 40 and pancreatic cancer. ?We don?t know what comes first, the cancer or diabetes. My dad?s pancreas was malfunctioning and that?s how his diabetes was diagnosed. Better testing is needed for pancreatic cancer. Of the 10 major cancers, this is the only one with no preemptive testing.?

Some symptoms of this cancer include back pain, abdominal pain, and reflux. While those are things the person can experience, there are some signs others may see that could indicate a problem such as jaundice or drastic, unexplained weight loss.?

Just as Alexis did something in her Pap?s memory, Furko promised in his father?s eulogy that he would do something to spread the word about pancreatic cancer. That something occurred in November 2011 when he was in Harrisburg and saw a large group with purple T-shirts ? the color symbolic for this type of cancer. That?s when he got involved with the Pittsburgh group.

Looking ahead, Alexis said she may do more to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer. ?I might do something different next year to raise money for this because it?s a good cause.?

The Pittsburgh Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network meets monthly at Gilda?s Club. The next meeting is Feb. 14 at 6:30 p.m. Information is available online at

Carol Waterloo Frazier is an editor for Trib Total Media. She can be reached at 412-664-9161, ext. 1916, or

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Nightclub fire kills 233 in Brazil

SANTA MARIA, Brazil (Reuters) - A nightclub fire killed at least 233 people in southern Brazil on Sunday when a band's pyrotechnics show set the building ablaze and fleeing partygoers stampeded toward blocked exits in the ensuing panic.

Most of those who died were suffocated by toxic fumes that rapidly filled the crowded club after sparks from pyrotechnics used by the band for visual effects set fire to soundproofing on the ceiling, local fire officials said.

"Smoke filled the place instantly, the heat became unbearable," survivor Murilo Tiescher, a medical student, told GloboNews TV. "People could not find the only exit. They went to the toilet thinking it was the exit and many died there."

Firemen said one exit was locked and that club bouncers, who at first thought those fleeing were trying to skip out on bar tabs, initially blocked patrons from leaving. The security staff relented only when they saw flames engulfing the ceiling.

The tragedy in the university town of Santa Maria in one of Brazil's most prosperous states comes as the country scrambles to improve safety, security and logistical shortfalls before the 2014 World Cup soccer tournament and the 2016 Olympics, both intended to showcase the economic advances and first-world ambitions of Latin America's largest nation.

In Santa Maria, a city of more than 275,000 people, rescue workers and weary officials wept alongside family and friends of the victims at a gymnasium being used as a makeshift morgue.

"It's the saddest, saddest day of my life," said Neusa Soares, the mother of one of those killed, 22-year-old Viviane Tolio Soares. "I never thought I would have to live to see my girl go away."

President Dilma Rousseff cut short an official visit to Chile and flew to Santa Maria, where she wept as she spoke to relatives of the victims, most of whom were university students.

"All I can say at the moment is that my feelings are of deep sorrow," said Rousseff, who began her political career in Rio Grande do Sul, the state where the fire occurred.

It was the deadliest nightclub fire since 309 people died in a discotheque blaze in China in 2000 and Brazil's worst fire at an entertainment venue since a disgruntled employee set fire to a circus in 1961, killing well over 300 people.


Local authorities said 120 men and 113 women died in the fire, and 92 people are still being treated in hospitals.

News of the fire broke on Sunday morning, when local news broadcast images of shocked people outside the nightclub called Boate Kiss. Gradually, grisly details emerged.

"We ran into a barrier of the dead at the exit," Colonel Guido Pedroso de Melo, commander of the fire brigade in Rio Grande do Sul, said of the scene that firefighters found on arrival. "We had to clear a path to get to the rest of those that were inside."

Pedroso de Melo said the popular nightclub was overcrowded with 1,500 people packed inside and they could not exit fast.

"Security guards blocked their exit and did not allow them to leave quickly. That caused panic," he said.

The fire chief said the club was authorized to be open, though its permit was in the process of being renewed. But he pointed to several egregious safety violations - from the flare that went off during the show to the locked door that kept people from getting out.

"The problem was the use of pyrotechnics, which is not permitted," Pedroso de Melo said.

The club's management said in a statement that its staff was trained and prepared to deal with any emergency. It said it would help authorities with their investigation.

One of the club's owners has surrendered to police for questioning, GloboNews TV reported.

When the fire began at about 2:30 a.m., many revelers were unable to find their way out in the chaos.

"It all happened so fast," survivor Taynne Vendrusculo told GloboNews TV. "Both the panic and the fire spread rapidly, in seconds."

Once security guards realized the building was on fire, they tried in vain to control the blaze with a fire extinguisher, according to a televised interview with one of the guards, Rodrigo Moura. He said patrons were trampled as they rushed for the doors, describing it as "a horror film."

Band member Rodrigo Martins said the fire started after the fourth or fifth song and the extinguisher did not work.

"It could have been a short circuit, there were many cables there," Martins told Porto Alegre's Radio Gaucha station. He said there was only one door and it was locked. A band member died in the fire.


TV footage showed people sobbing outside the club before dawn, while shirtless firefighters used sledge hammers and axes to knock down an exterior wall to open up an exit.

Rescue officials moved the bodies to the local gym and separated them by gender. Male victims were easier to identify because most had identification on them, unlike the women, whose purses were left scattered in the devastated nightclub.

Piles of shoes remained in the burnt-out club, along with tufts of hair pulled out by people fleeing desperately. Firemen who removed bodies said victims' cell phones were still ringing.

The disaster recalls other incidents including a 2003 fire at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, that killed 100 people, and a Buenos Aires nightclub blaze in 2004 that killed nearly 200. In both incidents, a band or members of the audience ignited fires that set the establishment ablaze.

The Rhode Island fire shocked local and federal officials because of the rarity of such incidents in the United States, where enforcement of safety codes is considered relatively strict. After the Buenos Aires blaze, Argentine officials closed many nightclubs and other venues and ultimately forced the city's mayor from office because of poor oversight of municipal codes.

The fire early on Sunday occurred in one of the wealthiest, most industrious and culturally distinct regions of Brazil. Santa Maria is about 186 miles west of Porto Alegre, the capital of a state settled by Germans and other immigrants from northern Europe.

Local clich?s paint the region as stricter and more organized than the rest of Brazil, where most residents are a mix descended from native tribes, Portuguese colonists, African slaves, and later influxes of immigrants from southern Europe.

Rio Grande do Sul state's health secretary, Ciro Simoni, said emergency medical supplies from all over the state were being sent to the scene. States from all over Brazil offered support, and messages of sympathy poured in from foreign leaders.

(Additional reporting by Guillermo Parra-Bernal, Gustavo Bonato, Jeferson Ribeiro, Eduardo Sim?es, Brian Winter and Guido Nejamkis.; Writing by Paulo Prada and Anthony Boadle; Editing by Todd Benson, Kieran Murray and Christopher Wilson)


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Obama to launch immigration push in Nevada next week

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans to launch his second-term push for a U.S. immigration overhaul during a visit to Nevada next week and will make it a high priority to win congressional approval of a reform package this year, the White House said on Friday.

Obama, who met leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, intends to use his trip to Las Vegas on Tuesday to "redouble our efforts to make comprehensive immigration reform a reality," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

He said Obama's proposals would be based on a "blueprint" the president put forth in a 2011 policy speech he delivered near the U.S.-Mexico border. The administration never put much effort into turning that plan, which included a controversial path to "earned" citizenship, into legislation.

Immigration reform, largely sidelined by economic issues in Obama's first term, is part of an ambitious liberal agenda he laid out in his second inaugural address on Monday, which also includes gun control, gay rights and fighting climate change.

The chances of a bipartisan agreement to revamp the U.S. immigration system are looking brighter despite the strong political passions that surround the issue.

Obama wants a deal and so do many Republicans in Congress, after having seen Hispanics vote overwhelmingly for the president and his fellow Democrats in the November 6 election.

Republicans have begun softening their stance after the party alienated many Latinos with hard-line rhetoric on immigration during the election campaign. Obama's unsuccessful Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, caused a stir by advocating "self-deportation" of illegal immigrants.

Republicans in Arizona and other states in recent years have pushed through tough laws cracking down on illegal immigrants.

Since the election, Senator Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, and Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, have quietly undertaken a bipartisan effort to craft a bill.

"We are encouraged by efforts under way in Congress to move forward on this issue, to address it in a bipartisan way," Carney told reporters. "It is certainly a top legislative priority for the president."

Carney said Obama would use his event in Las Vegas to push the broad proposals he laid out in May 2011. Nevada has a fast-growing Hispanic population that helped Obama carry the state in the November election.


Obama's earlier plan, which he unveiled in El Paso, Texas, called for creating a path for some of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the United States to earn citizenship.

Some Republicans have argued that would amount to amnesty, but administration officials have denied that, saying it would include fines, payment of back taxes, a lengthy probationary period and other hurdles to obtain legal status.

Obama's previous proposals also called for strict border enforcement, tough penalties for businesses that hire illegal workers and creation of a guest-worker program to meet agricultural labor needs.

Last summer, Obama took executive action so that the federal government stopped seeking to deport certain illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as children - a dramatic change that was celebrated in the Hispanic community and seen as key to his re-election hopes that November.

After winning the bitterly fought election, he promised to tackle the issue comprehensively early in his new term.

Obama told Hispanic lawmakers on Friday, "There is no excuse for stalling or delay" on immigration legislation and promised to "move this debate forward at the earliest possible opportunity," according to a White House statement.

"The president will be traveling to Nevada on Tuesday to redouble the administration's efforts to work with Congress to fix the broken immigration system this year," the White House said. Obama has also promised specifics on immigration in his State of the Union address to Congress on February 12.

Representative Xavier Becerra of California, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said afterward: "Immigration reform is not a matter of 'if' but 'when.' Now is the time and this is our moment."

Senator Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat who has been part of Senate talks on immigration reforms, said Obama's leadership on the issue was essential.

"I applaud him for announcing his commitment at the very beginning of this term and hope that the bipartisan process that is ongoing in the Senate will lead us to passage of a bill he can sign," he said.

Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican often mentioned as a future presidential contender, has also begun drawing up his own set of proposals he hopes can appeal to conservatives. The White House has voiced interest in hearing more about his ideas.

Some political analysts have said Republicans must seize the chance to help achieve immigration reform or else forfeit the chance of gaining significant Latino electoral support for a generation or more.

(Additional reporting by Jeff Mason and Roberta Rampton; Editing by Peter Cooney)


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Women to serve in military combat | WLFI - West Lafayette, Indiana

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) - It's one of the biggest changes to the U.S. military in our nation's history.

Soon, for the very first time, women will be able to actively serve in front-line combat.

Thursday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, announced he will lift a ban on women serving in combat.

In a news conference he said he believes women have become an integral part of the military's ability to succeed.

Panetta made his announcement with the Joint Chiefs chairman, General Martin Dempsey.

Panetta said not everyone can meet the qualifications to be a combat soldier but said everyone is entitled to the chance.
He said the qualifications will not be reduced, and with women playing a broader role, the military will be strengthened.

Local military personnel said they stand behind Panetta's decision to lift the ban.

"One thing in the military that you get used to is adapting to your environment no matter what it is and no matter what the challenges are," Major Paul Heslin with Purdue's ROTC said. "This just happens to be, or could be, a social challenge that command and leadership will provide guidance to the soldiers."

"They've always done the same thing as any other male officer or enlisted soldier," Noah Rausch with Purdue's ROTC program said. "In the past, they haven't been allowed in the combat branch. But in any other situation they've been in combat and they serve right alongside and they still go overseas."

Panetta's order will open 200,000 more jobs to women primarily in the Army and Marines.

The services will have until May to draw up a plan for opening all units to women and until the end of 2015 to actually implement it.


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Marijuana Wedding: Dad Grows Pot To Pay For Daughter's Wedding

It's true that some fathers will do anything to make their daughters happy -- just ask one British man who started growing marijuana to pay for his daughter's wedding.

Local newspaper The Spenborough Guardian reported Friday that respected builder Wayne Longley was plagued by financial problems caused by the economic recession. Yet, he felt pressured to pay for his daughter's wedding in Jamaica later this year, so he began growing marijuana under his garage and intended to sell it.

In August 2011, police discovered a hidden room under Longley's garage where 31 cannabis plants were growing (valued at about $25,000). He had also been using about $7,900 worth of electricity illegally to grow the plants.

Longley pleaded guilty to producing marijuana and extracting electricity, and destroyed the garage. His family testified that Longley's daughter would be "tremendously affected" if he were unable to attend her wedding. But according to the Spenborough Guardian, Longley will not be able to get a visa to travel to Jamaica -- he was sentenced to 150 hours of community service and 18 months in prison (only if he violates the terms of his two-year probation).

Don't worry, dads -- you are NOT expected to grow pot to earn the cash for your daughter's weddings. HuffPost blogger Maria Lin offers the dos and don'ts of paying for your child's wedding here.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Court says Obama appointments violate constitution

Richard Cordray stands left as President Barack Obama announces in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013, that he will re-nominate Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a role that he has held for the last year under a recess appointment, and nominate Mary Joe White to lead the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Richard Cordray stands left as President Barack Obama announces in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013, that he will re-nominate Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a role that he has held for the last year under a recess appointment, and nominate Mary Joe White to lead the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate last year to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, a federal appeals court ruled Friday in a far-reaching decision that could severely limit a chief executive's powers to make recess appointments.

The decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit marked a victory for Republicans and business groups critical of the labor board. If it stands, it could invalidate hundreds of board decisions over the past year, including some that make it easier for unions to organize.

When Obama filled the vacancies on Jan. 4, 2012, Congress was on an extended holiday break. But GOP lawmakers gaveled in for a few minutes every three days just to prevent Obama from making recess appointments. The White House argued that the pro forma sessions ? some lasting less than a minute ? were a sham.

The court rejected that argument, but went even further, finding that under the Constitution, a recess occurs only during the breaks between formal year-long sessions of Congress, not just any informal break when lawmakers leave town. It also held that presidents can bypass the Senate only when administration vacancies occur during a recess.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the administration strongly disagrees with the decision and that the labor board would continue to conduct business as usual, despite calls by some Republicans for the board members to resign.

"The decision is novel and unprecedented," Carney said. "It contradicts 150 years of practice by Democratic and Republican administrations."

Under the court's decision, 285 recess appointments made by presidents between 1867 and 2004 would be invalid.

The Justice Department hinted that the administration would ask the Supreme Court to overturn the decision, which was rendered by three conservative judges appointed by Republican presidents. "We disagree with the court's ruling and believe that the president's recess appointments are constitutionally sound," the statement said.

The court acknowledged that the ruling conflicts with what some other federal appeals courts have held about when recess appointments are valid, which only added to the likelihood of an appeal to the high court.

"I think this is a very important decision about the separation of powers," said Carl Tobias, a constitutional law professor at Virginia's University of Richmond. "The court's reading has limited the president's ability to counter the obstruction of appointments by a minority in the Senate that has been pretty egregious in the Obama administration."

The ruling also threw into question the legitimacy of Obama's recess appointment of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Cordray's appointment, made on the same date, has been challenged in a separate case.

Carney insisted the court's ruling affects only a single case before the labor board and would have no bearing on Cordray's appointment. Obama on Thursday renominated Cordray for the job.

The case challenging the recess appointments was brought by Noel Canning, a Washington state bottling company that claimed an NLRB decision against it was not valid because the board members were not properly appointed. The D.C. Circuit panel agreed.

Obama made the recess appointments after Senate Republicans blocked his choices for an agency they contended was biased in favor of unions. Obama claims he acted properly because the Senate was away for the holidays on a 20-day recess. The Constitution allows for such appointments without Senate approval when Congress is in recess.

But during that time, GOP lawmakers argued, the Senate technically had stayed in session because it was gaveled in and out every few days for so-called pro forma sessions.

GOP lawmakers used the tactic ? as Democrats had done in the past ? specifically to prevent the president from using his recess power to install members to the labor board and the consumer board. They had also vigorously opposed the nomination of Cordray.

The three-judge panel flatly rejected arguments from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, which claimed that the president has discretion to decide that the Senate is unavailable to perform its advice and consent function.

"Allowing the president to define the scope of his own appointment power would eviscerate the Constitution's separation of powers," Chief Judge David Sentelle wrote in the 46-page ruling. He was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

The court ruled that during one of those pro forma sessions on Jan. 3, 2012, the Senate officially convened its second session of the 112th Congress, as required by the Constitution.

Sentelle's opinion was joined by Judge Thomas Griffith, appointed to the court by President George W. Bush, and Karen LeCraft Henderson, who was appointed by President George H.W. Bush.

"With this ruling, the D.C. Circuit has soundly rejected the Obama administration's flimsy interpretation of the law, and (it) will go a long way toward restoring the constitutional separation of powers," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.

GOP House Speaker John Boehner welcomed the ruling as "a victory for accountability in government."

If the ruling stands, it would invalidate more than 600 board decisions issued over the past year. It also would leave the five-member labor board with just one validly appointed member, effectively shutting it down. The board is allowed to issue decisions only when it has at least three sitting members.

Obama used the recess appointment to install Deputy Labor Secretary Sharon Block, union lawyer Richard Griffin and NLRB counsel Terence Flynn to fill vacancies on the labor board, giving it a full contingent for the first time in more than a year. Block and Griffin are Democrats, while Flynn is a Republican. Flynn stepped down from the board last year.

All three vacancies on the labor board had been open for months before Obama acted to fill them.

Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa called the ruling "a radical departure from precedent" and argued that Obama had no choice but to act.

"Throughout his presidency, Republicans have employed unprecedented partisan delay tactics and filibusters to prevent confirmation of nominees to lead the NLRB, thus crippling the board's legal authority to act," Harkin said.

If Obama's recess appointment of Cordray to the newly created consumer board is eventually ruled invalid, it could nullify all the regulations the consumer board has issued, many of which affect the mortgage business.


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