Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Understanding Weight Loss Facts

Most folks I talk to seem to possess some knowledge about weight loss facts. It's usually centered around "you are what you eat" or "it's all about the calories." Some advocate eating right and others tout exercise and many subscribe to a combination of the two. All are correct, but only in a general way of understanding weight loss and achieving a goal.

Many people, myself included, have fallen into the trap of waiting for some major event, such as a class reunion or a vacation to motivate them to lose ten or fifteen pounds. And, if you are like me, you wait until two or three weeks before the event to start actually working on the goal. Then, we starve and run or bike or do whatever we can to get back into that smaller jacket or dress. When "D" day arrives, we hit the scales and realize we only lost three or four pounds. That Jacket still won't button and the dress is too tight. Sound familiar? Well, there is a reason for this. And once you understand it, losing weight can become a less stressful endeavor.

On average, a woman who weighs 180 pounds is considered to be overweight and will burn about 2,000 calories a day (Thompson & Manore, 1996; Heska, Feld, & Yang, 1993 as cited by The University of Vanderbilt Psychology Department). To burn a pound of body fat, which has 3,500 calories, that average overweight woman would have to burn 3,500 calories more than she consumes. So, simple math tells us that if she wanted to lose a pound a day (as some ridiculous diet ads claim), she would not only need to completely fast, but also burn an extra 1,500 calories through exercise each day! Put in perspective, that 180 pound woman would have to ride a bike 5 hours a day, while fasting, to lose a pound of fat per day (Ainsworth, Haskell, Leon, Jacobs, Montoye, Sallis, & Paffenbarger, 1993 as cited by The University of Vanderbilt Psychology Department).

This is all complicated by the fact that as we lose weight, the need for calories goes down. So, in order for that, now thinner, woman to continue losing a pound of fat per day, she would need to increase her exercise proportionally while still not eating!

However, having noted the aforementioned dietary logic, there are foods you can eat and an order in which you eat them that will accelerate the process of weight loss. We will cover this in more detail in future bogs, so stay tuned!

Armed with this little bit of information really helped me to understand the importance of setting realistic goals and changed the way I view expectations. It also helped where I need it most....procrastination. I hope you have found it useful, as well.

The primary point is to educate yourself about weight loss facts. With this knowledge, actually losing the weight will be less frustrating.


Boyce Henry has over 15 years researching and managinging weight loss and weight loss products. To get a free report on the top diet scams, please go here or to


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