Sunday, December 9, 2012

Personal Finance Week in Review #41 ? WorkSaveLive


Don?t forget the $100 giveaway that I?m taking part in!

Finance Fox is hosting his 2-year anniversary and celebrating by giving away an iPad 2 in addition to some other great prizes!

Great Weekend Reading

Guest Posts

I had one guest post go live this past week. You can check it out over at Fearless Men: Overcoming My Greatest Fear?of Public Speaking.

Highlights of the Week

This past week was fairly uneventful at the WSL house. I did get to attend the Chiefs football game this past Sunday and that was a rather interesting experience as many of you may have heard about the tragedy that took place Saturday morning with one of the Chief?s football players, Jovan Belcher.

There has been so many things that have stemmed from that story: domestic violence awareness, suicide prevention, countless details about their personal lives being leaked, and of course everybody?s political agendas must be re-hashed as it?s also brought up the debate about guns (again). Regardless of the matter, the incident was absolutely terrible and it?s been fascinating to listen to other peoples? thoughts and how they?re compartmentalizing things.

The reality for a lot of people in Kansas City (?well, and for most Americans) is that citizens believe athletes walk on water. We envy them and dream of being them, children idolize them, and people worship them as if they were God himself.

Regardless of the stories that come out about Jovan Belcher ? good or bad ? there is one fact that remains that cannot be overlooked: he?s a murderer. However, the fact also remains that some (certainly not all) Chief?s fans, Chief?s players, and Kansas City residents fail to view him as such.

Having been a part of a collegiate football team, and knowing that football was my entire life for many years, I understand the dynamics of a ?team? and the bond you have with your locker room pals. Saying that, it?s insanity that the Chiefs allow for Belcher?s jersey, pictures, and football gear to remain in his locker. It?s insanity for some to attempt to justify his actions. It?s insanity that Dwayne Bowe is memorializing his ?fallen friend? by making a t-shirt with Belcher?s picture amongst a backdrop of clouds (I guess indicating that he?s currently in heaven). There is nothing to be celebrated about a person that would shoot his baby momma 9 times. What in the world is wrong with people?

I digress?

Everything has been going well on the blogging front. We?ve got a lot of great content lined up for December, the revamped newsletter will be sent out tomorrow, and I?m joining a group of bloggers to give away an iPad 3 on Monday! I?ve also been working on some thoughts as to what January is going to look like at WSL?I?m probably a little too excited about it but none of it will happen unless I can hone in my focus.

This weekend will be uneventful as it?s the wife?s weekend to work. That being said, I get to take care of all of the household responsibilities and any other time will be spent working on various things (primarily writing for the blog).

Have a great weekend everybody!

If you ever struggle with thoughts of depression or suicide, or experience uncontrollable rage or moments of anger, please take a step to seek proper help. There?s never a legitimate reason to take somebody?s life or that of your own.

WorkSaveLive Around the Web

I was featured in quite a few places this week; thanks to all of the bloggers that showed me the love!

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