Saturday, December 1, 2012

Small Business Marketing Digest - November 2012

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    There were some great blog posts written about online marketing in November, so here?s are some that we think you should add to your stack.

    Our Most Popular Blog This Month

    Mobile Commerce Trends Every Business Owner Needs To Know
    Mobile commerce is here to stay, and businesses that ignore mobile website design and mobile marketing are missing out on business opportunities.

    From Around the Web

    The Most Dangerous Threat to Your Online Marketing Efforts
    Copyblogger crafts a spot-on argument for why you should always build a strong brand and a strong website?before?you branch out into other online marketing activities.

    The 5 Biggest Myths About Social Media in Marketing
    This blog over at the U.S. Small Business?Administration?website is a must-read for anyone managing social media or considering social media as a part of their marketing mix. This blog is right on point!

    B2B Content Marketing: 2013 Benchmarks, Budgets, Trends in North America
    This slide deck published by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs gives an overview (and lots of stats and graphs) of content marketing for B2B companies.

    A Super Simple Explanation of Inbound Marketing
    Here?s an infographic that explains the brass tacks of inbound marketing.

    ?8 Lessons a 6 Year Old Can Teach You About Your Landing Page
    This blog post from the team at Unbounce takes us back to our childhood and shows how our inner 6 year old can make us better online marketers.

    Uncle Sam Wants You (to Optimize Your Content for Mobile)
    In this article for A List Apart, Karen McGrane, author of Content Strategy for Mobile, shares why the time for ?going mobile? is now and what your website needs to do to survive.

    What have you read and found interesting this month?

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      Related posts

      • Small Business Marketing Digest ? October 2012
      • Mobile Commerce Trends Every Business Owner Needs To Know
      • 14 Reasons Why Your Business Should Start A Blog


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