Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nerds On Call: July 9 FBI Plug pulled on the infected PC ...

Redding, California (PRWEB) July 6, 2012

On Monday, July 9th, the FBI will pull the plug internet access to hundreds of thousands of computers infected with Trojan known as DNSChanger malware. Although your computer is clean, the companies that has compromised the system in their network will be taken., Blocking their ability to run a business and violate their web site, in what many refer to as the Doomsday internet.

In November 2011, the FBI (along with other international cyber crime) is a ring of cyber criminals are identified which has infected more than four million computers around the world with a virus Trojan known as DNSChanger. According to the site FBIs about this malware (, DNSChanger has been used to redirect unsuspecting users to a server penyangak controlled by cyber thieves, allowing them to manipulate the user?s web activity.

DNSChanger infected

system is set up by the ring of absolute crimes infection. Trojan re-directed unsuspecting users to fraudulent sites that usually cause the user to provide personal information or credit card numbers to web sites that they think are legitimate. He disrupt shipping web and in some cases prevent infected PCs from downloading anti-virus and update the operating system, leaving them exposed to viruses and spyware.

If the DNS server

penyangak available and robbed, the FBI faces a bitter challenge. Bring them in line and millions of the system will lose all access to the Internet causing widespread damage to the online trading and business functions. Instead, they set up temporary replacement server that allowed infected computers to keep functioning in the hope that users will clean the Trojan from their system before the server temporarily went offline on 9 JUL.

To a certain extent, this plan works. According to the Working Group DNSChanger, or DCWG (, the number of infected systems has declined from over 4 million to more than 300,000 worldwide. However, since DCWG measure infection by IP address and the system rather than individuals, the number may be higher. Krebs Brian Krebs Security ( states in her blog, Because many of the existing system on the same local network often share the same IP address, the actual number of DNSChanger infected machines might be a little bit higher than 300,000. In May, Google uses cookies on the infected machine to estimate that number is over 500,000.

Perhaps more troubling, the report by IID (logo) indicates that the machine at 12% of Fortune 500 companies and 4% of government agencies are still infected with malware if their system is taken. At 9, he will bring to the loss of productivity and can make it harder for services to their customers.

Facebook and Google has sent a notice to users who browse to their site from a computer infected with DNSChanger. However, if you havent told your infection do not need to draw breath and consider yourself in a free and clear.

When the FBI crippled

server while it would solve the infected system access to the internet but it will not dispose of malware from the system. Take a few minutes to make sure that you?re not kicked offline at julai 9.

First, open your internet browser and go to If your system is infected you?ll see a red image with DNS Resolution = RED. As an alternative, a green image with DNS Resolution = GREEN means your computer is looking for the correct IP address.

Unfortunately, not always a clear green is all the same there. Some internet service providers have made their own mini-server that allows DNSChanger infected system to circumvent the FBI server to access the internet. This means that while you will not lose access to the internet at 9 you can still be infected.

Furthermore, if you do not have a reputable antivirus software program installed on your system, get one. I like the Microsoft Security Essentials ( because it scans and protects from malware and viruses in a single step. DCWGs site,, also offers a list of links to download software to clean your system Trojan

Finally, make sure your anti-virus is up to date. Youd be surprised how many users disable their anti-virus with no download updates frequently. Once up-date, run the scan to make sure you?re free DNSChanger before finding out the hard way.

About the Author

Andrea Eldridge is the CEO and co-founder of Nerds On Call, on-site computer and laptop repair services for users and businesses. Andrea is the author of two weekly columns, Computer Nerds On a national column for Scripps Howard bersindiket News Service, and the Nerd Chick Adventures in Penyerlah Call. Although he always appeared on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, The CW, and CNN shows such as Good Day Sacramento, Good Morning Arizona and Better Days Portland, offering viewers easy tips to technology, lifestyle, internet, and tools. Andrea has recently started working with Demand Media to produce content for and has written a book for their 101 Smartphone: iPhone Integration Into the World of Windows. Andrea is available for Q & As quoted tech experts and will appear in your plan, please call today! See Andrea in action in

About Nerds On Call

Founded in the dressing room in Redding, Calif., March 2004, Nerds On Call offers on-site computer and laptop repair services to users and businesses. Nerds On Call provides trouble-shooting for PCs and Macs, home networks and office, printer, iPod? and MP3 players, mobile devices and cell phones, home theaters and game systems, and almost all forms of digital entertainment. In 2009, 2010, & 2011 the company was named Inc. magazine?s list. 5000 fast-growing private companies. With 15 locations throughout California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona Nerds On Call serves more than 40,000 satisfied customers a year. For more information, please visit or contact online 1-800-919-nerd.

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