Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Evolution of Real Estate Marketing ? Business | Raw Business ...


Copyright (c) 2009 Duncan Wierman

The real estate laws and regulations have evolved through time as well as the traditional role of a real estate investor. New opportunities have opened due to the evolution of real estate marketing making it a great avenue for a successful and profitable career today. This may be looked upon as a contradictory statement if you are a Realtor and not moving houses due to economic times, however if you are taking advantage of real estate investing, virtual investing, and virtual wholesaling you would agree.

Due to the current economic times, houses are going up for sale fast, and as fast as they are going on the market, prices are dropping due to the economic situation. However, even with the dropping prices the average families are not in the position to buy new homes, which results in houses sitting empty and more often then not, on the market for a long periods of time. This can result in families having to pay two mortgages or banks sitting on a note that they are losing money on. For real estate wholesaling, this can be a moneymaking opportunity plus an advantage to a homeowner sitting on a mortgage they cannot afford to pay.

By real estate investing, wholesaling, and virtual wholesaling, you not only benefit a possible struggling homeowner but you can make some sizable profits. Other benefits to real estate investing, real estate wholesaling, and virtual wholesaling are:

- Builds a diversification of your asset profile

- If you are real estate investing you continue to receive a residual income from tenants

- If real estate investing or wholesaling you can purchase bargain properties and use as rentals while doing improvements to increase the resale value while still having the residual income from the tenant until ready to place on wholesale market.

-Banks are looking to get out from under bad debts making negotiations on properties very profitable if the negotiator knows the right strategies.

- Income potential from a single real estate wholesale can be quite profitable in the thousands of dollars.

- Property ownership adds status in society.

-With virtual wholesaling you get all the benefits above as well as a broader market, little to no travel expense or time, and 99% if not more of your work can be done via the internet, phone, fax, or the mail.

Regardless if you take advantage of what the evolution of real estate has came to in virtual wholesaling in full or just partially, the market is ripe for the investor at any level and there is definitely money to be made.

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